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PostgreSQL nested CTE and UNION

I'm trying to learn SQL, using PostgreSQL 9.1.3. I would like to understand some behavior that strikes me as inconsistent. To wit:

This works:

WITH innermost AS (SELECT 2)
SELECT * FROM innermost

I get this:


This works:

WITH outmost AS (
        (WITH innermost AS (SELECT 2)
         SELECT * FROM innermost)
SELECT * FROM outmost;



This also works:

WITH outmost AS (
  UNION (WITH innermost AS (SELECT 2)
         SELECT * FROM innermost)
SELECT * FROM outmost;

I get this:


But this does not work:

WITH outmost AS (
  UNION (WITH innermost as (SELECT 2)
         SELECT * FROM innermost
         UNION SELECT 3)
SELECT * FROM outmost;


ERROR:  relation "innermost" does not exist
LINE 4:          SELECT * FROM innermost

To my way of thinking, either the last one should succeed or one of the other ones should fail. I don't see the pattern. Is there some general rule that would enable me to predict what combinations of nested CTEs and UNIONs will or will not work?

The mystery is solved: the behavior I was observing is a known bug. I sent the same original post to a PostgreSQL-specific list and got this answer:

This is a bug :-(. The parse analysis code seems to think that WITH can only be attached to the top level or a leaf-level SELECT within a set operation tree; but the grammar follows the SQL standard which says no such thing. The WITH gets accepted, and attached to the intermediate-level UNION which is where syntactically it should go, and then it's entirely ignored during parse analysis. Will see about fixing it.

  regards, tom lane 


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