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Split one table's column into two columns based on value

I have a table with so many rows . It's structure is like this picture:


As you can see i have "or", "And" between names in columns A. How i can splite these column into twi parts?. IN that case i will have David, Tylor, Fred, Jessi, Roland in the firstcolumn and Peter, Mark, Alfered, Hovard and DAvid in the second.

Note: Please pay attention to row 2 and 5. in these rows i have 2 "or" or two "and".

Edit : I prefer to do that in Excel

What I Have Tried

As one possible solution, i have this function in vba.

Function udfRegEx(CellLocation As Range, RegPattern As String)

Dim RegEx As Object, RegMatchCollection As Object, RegMatch As Object
Dim OutPutStr As String
Dim i As Integer

i = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(ActiveWorksheet.Name).UsedRange.rows.Count
    Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    With RegEx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = RegPattern
    End With

        OutPutStr = ""
        Set RegMatchCollection = RegEx.Execute(CellLocation.Value)
        For Each RegMatch In RegMatchCollection
            OutPutStr = OutPutStr & RegMatch
        udfRegEx = OutPutStr

    Set RegMatchCollection = Nothing
    Set RegEx = Nothing
    Set Myrange = Nothing

End Function

This function uses Regex. but i don't know how to use that.

As I mentioned that you do not need VBA for this. An Excel formula will also do what you need.

My Assumptions

  1. Col A has the data
  2. You want the output in Col B and Col C

Paste this formula in Cell B1 and copy it down

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(" or ",A1,1))=TRUE,IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(" and ",A1,1))=TRUE,"",LEFT(A1,SEARCH(" and ",A1,1))),LEFT(A1,SEARCH(" or ",A1,1)))

and this in Cell C1 and copy it down

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(" or ",A1,1))=TRUE,IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(" and ",A1,1))=TRUE,"",MID(A1,SEARCH(" and ",A1,1)+5,LEN(A1)-SEARCH(" and ",A1,1))),MID(A1,SEARCH(" or ",A1,1)+4,LEN(A1)-SEARCH(" or ",A1,1)))



(\w)+(( or | and ){0,1}(\w)+)*

Its not a coding solution, but since you did not ask for code (and because its not necessary in this case), simply do a find/replace on the words "and" and "or" to replace them with some delimiter (eg replace them with a comma). Then in excel, you can select the data, and split them into different columns using excels "text to columns" feature (on the data tab in excel 2007).

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