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Java - Hibernate not returning special characters on select query

I am doing a query like this:

Query query = PlatoonApp.getEntityManager().createQuery(
                "SELECT c FROM Client c WHERE c.type1 LIKE ? or c.type2 LIKE ? or c.type3 LIKE ?" +
                " or c.type4 LIKE ? ORDER BY c.type", Client.class);

        query.setParameter(1, legalStrQuery + "%");
        query.setParameter(2, legalStrQuery + "%");
        query.setParameter(3, individualStrQuery + "%");
        query.setParameter(4, individualStrQuery + "%");


        if (maxResults != 0)

        return (List<Client>) query.getResultList();

This is the query. I have some rows with information using "´", "~" and these characters are getting replaced. Why is it happening?

Escape the single quote by adding another single quote before it, eg ' would become '' .

I don't think that the ~ is an illegal character, it's just the single quote that's hanging you up.

Note: I think you can replace all of the single quotes with the following regex, (?!<')['](?!') so you can do something like..

stringInstance.replaceAll( "(?!<')['](?!')", "''" );

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