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php: i have 5 array, how can i make them as one?

    foreach($archive as $archrow){
        echo $archrow->doc_name;   //document name
        echo $archrow->doc_status; //document status

    foreach($arc as $arcrow){
        echo $arcrow->fullname; //Author

    foreach($pos as $posrow){
        echo $posrow->position_name;  //position


    foreach($loc as $locrow){

        echo $locrow->location;  //Department

i would like to make a table and arrange them by category like this:


|Document name | Author | Position | Department | Document Status |

| asdasd | john | Manager | Acct | adsads |

I want to assume you want extract one element form each array at the same time

You can try

$mi = new MultipleIterator(MIT_NEED_ANY|MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC);
$mi->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($archive), 'achive');
$mi->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($arc), 'arc');
$mi->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($pos), 'pos');
$mi->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($loc), 'loc');

echo "<pre>";
foreach ( $mi as $member ) {
    echo $member['achive']->doc_name, "|", $member['achive']->doc_status, "|", $member['arc']->fullname, "|", $member['pos']->position_name, "|", $member['loc']->position_name ,PHP_EOL;

If you want to merge arrays you can use array_merge for that: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge.php
But your example isn't an array...

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