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print statement is not working in python proboscis

We started writing our functional and unit test cases in python using nose framework. We started learning python while writing these tests. Since there are lot of dependencies between our test classes/functions, we decided to use proboscis framework on top of nose to control order of execution.

We have quite a few 'print' statements in our tests and proboscis seems to be ignoring these! Tests are running in expected order and testing them all but not printing our print statement data to console. Any idea what we are missing here?

BTW, we stopped deriving our classes from 'unittest.TestCase' once we moved to proboscis and decorated all classes and their member functions with @test.

Note : According to the Proboscis documentation "unused arguments get passed along to Nose or the unittest module" , so the following should apply to Proboscis by replacing nosetests with python run_tests.py .

As @Wooble has mentioned in his comment, by default nose captures stdout and only displays it for failed tests. You can override this behaviour with the nosetests -s or --nocapture switch:

$ nosetests --nocapture

Like @Wooble also mentions in his comment, I recommend using the logging module instead of print . Then you only need to pass nosetests the -l DEBUG or --debug=DEBUG switch, where DEBUG is replaced by a comma separated list of the names of the loggers you want to display, to enable displaying of the logging output from your modules:

$ nosetests --debug=your-logger-name

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