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SQL insert into error VB.NET

running a vb application with the following code. I keep getting an error on my 'INSERT INTO' sql query, can anyone see what im doing wrong? This is the error - Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

 connetionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = C:\Users\Dave\Documents\joblist.mdb;"

            connection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(connetionString)

            Sql = "INSERT INTO jobList (StaffID, staffName, staffLastName, note, fault, section, techID, jobcomplete) VALUES ('" & staffid & "','" & staffFN & "','" & staffLN & "','" & staffNotes & "','" & staffFault & "', '" & staffSection & "', '" & techId & "','" & ava & "')"
            oledbAdapter.UpdateCommand = connection.CreateCommand
            oledbAdapter.UpdateCommand.CommandText = Sql

I assume you should use the InsertCommand instead of the UpdateCommand property since you are inserting.

oledbAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO jobList (StaffID, staffName, ....

Note that you're open for SQL-Injection and should use Parameters instead. You should also use Using statement to ensure that the connection gets closed even on error.

Note and Section are reserved words in Jet SQL You need to encapsulate them with square brackets

Sql = "INSERT INTO jobList (StaffID, staffName, staffLastName, [note], fault, " +
      "[section], techID, jobcomplete) VALUES (......)"

This is the source of you syntax error, but .....
aside from that, you have many problems here:

  • As pointed out by Tim Schmeiter, you use the update command instead of insert command.
  • you concatenate input text from your user to form an sql string. This leads to sql injection attacks and problems in correct parsing of text (apostrophes, invalid dates, invalid numbers, etc)
  • staffID and techID seems to be numeric fields in the database, but you put their values inside single quotes like strings. If they are numerics you will get another possible error there.

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