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Add string to string in C with safe functions

I want to copy the a file name to a string and append ".cpt" to it. But I am unable to do this with safe functions (strcat_s). Error: "String is not null terminated!". And I did set '\\0', how to fix this using safe functions?

size = strlen(locatie);
nieuw = (char*)malloc(size+4);
strcpy_s(nieuw, size, locatie);
nieuw[size] = '\0';
strcat_s(nieuw, 4, ".cpt"); // <-- crash

The size parameter of the _s functions is the size of the destination buffer, not the source. The error is because there is no null terminator in nieuw in the first for characters. Try this:

size = strlen(locatie);
int nieuwSize = size + 4;
nieuw = (char*)malloc(nieuwSize );
strcpy_s(nieuw, nieuwSize, locatie);
nieuw[size] = '\0';
strcat_s(nieuw, nieuwSize, ".cpt"); // <-- crash

Maybe some standard solution?

const char * const SUFFIX = ".cpt";
size = strlen(locatie) + strlen(SUFFIX) + 1;  // +1 for NULL
nieuw = (char*)malloc(size);
snprintf(nieuw, size, "%s%s", locatie, SUFFIX);

Why not

size = strlen(locatie);
nieuw = (char*)malloc(size+6);
strcpy_s(nieuw, size, locatie);
strcat_s(nieuw, 4, ".cpt");
nieuw[size + 5] = '\0';

Check out asprintf . It allows you to print to a string like printf

size = strlen(locatie);
nieuw = (char*)malloc(size+4);
strcpy_s(nieuw, size, locatie);
nieuw[size] = '\0';
strcat_s(nieuw, size, ".cpt");


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char old[] = "hello";
    size_t size = strlen(old) + 5;;
    char *new_name = (char*)malloc(size);
    new_name[size-1] = '\0';
    strcpy_s(new_name, size, old);
    strcat_s(new_name, size, ".cpp");
    printf("%s\n", new_name);
    return 0;

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