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Web API C# - Returning full KVC Json

I am using RestKit from an iOS app to connect to a Web API service that we are building in C# .Net 4.

I am having the same issue from here: RestKit non-kvc object mapping

Basically C# returns something like:

formatted raw BODY

 "Message":"Testing Wom#10",

While the standard format expected by RestKit is

{"woms": [
 "Message":"Testing Wom#10",

I don't care using a way or another, however, it seems that it would be easier from the iOS side to make C# return the "customers" class name.

How can I tell C# to return that?


This is the current code in my ApiController in C#:

namespace WomWeb.Controllers.Apis
public class WomsController : ApiController
    private WomContext db = new WomContext();

    // GET api/Woms
    public IEnumerable<Wom> GetWoms()
        return db.Woms.AsEnumerable();            

I've had some issues like this when trying to serialize JSON in C#. I think the easiest way is wrap the customer in another class. If you only need to serialize in one place you can do something like var temp = new Object { customer customer = new customer(); } var temp = new Object { customer customer = new customer(); } right before making the call to serialize it.

This is the best solution I have found so far. Basically replace the IEnumerable by HttpResponseMessage and use the Request.CreateResponse to respond (code below).

While it works it is less than ideal: I lose the abstraction, and now the controller respond with Json regardless of the request headers (that logic was resolved automatically, but when using the CreateResponse I am writing directly to the output).

// GET api/Woms           
//public IEnumerable<Wom> GetWoms()
public HttpResponseMessage GetWoms()
  //return  db.Woms.Include("Owner").AsEnumerable(); 
  return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { woms = Include("Owner").AsEnumerable() });

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