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JSON Javascript escape

So i have some of my example dynamic JSON below, what i'm having trouble doing is escaping everything properly so that it is properly processed by JSON.parse or Jquery.parseJSON, which for some reason it currently isnt. I've tried replacing all quotes but it doesn't solve anything...

var Json = '{"resolved_id":"244296544","resolvedUrl":"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2012\/11\/01\/windows-phone-for-mac\/","host":"engadget.com","title":"Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac updated for WP8, rebranded simply as \'Windows Phone\'","datePublished":"2012-11-01 04:49:00","timePublished":1351763340,"responseCode":"200","excerpt":"For Mac users who prefer Microsoft as their mobile partner, Windows Phone 7 Connector has been the one bridging the divide so far. The sync app has just been updated to v3.0, gaining support for Windows Phone 8 and a concise new name -- \"Windows Phone\" -- to match its Windows 8 counterpart.","authors":{"5437327":{"author_id":"5437327","name":"Deepak Dhingra","url":"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/editor\/deepak-dhingra"}},"images":{"1":{"item_id":"244296544","image_id":"1","src":"http:\/\/www.blogcdn.com\/www.engadget.com\/media\/2012\/11\/win-phone-for-mac-1351752168.jpg","width":"0","height":"0","credit":"","caption":""}},"videos":"","wordCount":116,"isArticle":1,"isVideo":0,"isIndex":0,"usedFallback":0,"article":"\n<a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2012\/11\/01\/windows-phone-for-mac\/\" nodeIndex=\"493\"><img src=\"http:\/\/www.blogcdn.com\/www.engadget.com\/media\/2012\/11\/win-phone-for-mac-1351752168.jpg\" \/><span class=\"ril_caption\"> <cite><\/cite><\/span><\/a>\n<p nodeIndex=\"91\" scoreAddedToParent=\"37\">For Mac users who prefer Microsoft as their mobile partner, <a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2011\/08\/31\/windows-phone-7-mango-will-play-nicer-with-macs-update-your-con\/\" nodeIndex=\"495\">Windows Phone 7 Connector<\/a> has been the one bridging the divide so far. The sync app has just been updated to v3.0, gaining support for <a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2012\/10\/29\/windows-phone-8-review\/\" nodeIndex=\"496\">Windows Phone 8<\/a> and a concise new name -- \"Windows Phone\" -- to match its <a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2012\/10\/29\/microsft-adds-windows-phone-app-to-windows-store\/\" nodeIndex=\"497\">Windows 8 counterpart<\/a>. The new app plays well with <a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/tag\/RetinaMacbookPro\/\" nodeIndex=\"498\">Retina Macs<\/a> too, while other goodies in the changelog include drag-and-drop capability for transferring files in either direction, along with support for iPhoto 9.3.2 and Aperture 3.3.2. Incoming WP8 devices such as the <a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2012\/10\/29\/htc-8x-review-windows-phone-8s-compact-flagship\/\" nodeIndex=\"499\">HTC 8X<\/a> and the <a href=\"http:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2012\/10\/04\/nokia-lumia-920-for-atandt-hands-on-a-windows-phone-8-flagship-wi\/\" nodeIndex=\"500\">Lumia 920<\/a> will also get enhanced ringtone features and allow battery life to be monitored via the app. Persuaded? Then collect your goods at the source link below.<\/p>\n\n"}';

Inside JSON, quotes within strings need to be escaped with a backslash: {"key": "prop with \\" quote"} .

Inside JavaScript, quotes and backslashes within string literals need to be escaped with a backslash: "string with \\\\backslash and \\" quote" .

If you really would need to use JSON in JS string literals (there is no reason to do that), you would need to double-escape them: json = "{\\"key":\\"prop with \\\\\\" quote and \\\\n linebreak\\"}" . You haven't done so for the quotes around "Windows Phone".

However, you must've done something wrong when dealing with such problems. Usually you get JSON strings from ajax calls and such, where you get them already as a string value. If you want to echo some sever-created JSON directly into a js script, you don't need to wrap it in a string literal - it is already [nearly] valid Object Literal syntax.

Your problem is probably that your whole Json object is just one string, because of the quotes on the start and end. The idea of JSON is assigning complex variables to one object, like this:

var Json = {
  "resolved_id": "244296544",

Also, there is no need to escape forward slashes.

All the way at the end:


Escape the backslashes:


According to JSONLint , your problem is on this line:

"title": "Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac updated for WP8, rebranded simply as \'Windows Phone\'",

If you remove the backslashes on ', it validates. In JSON , you don't escape '

Unfortunately, since you are using ' to delimit your string, you'll need to find another way to escape it. You could use \' in place of \\'.

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