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Java - using Scanner to pull Strings and Ints from a file into an array

I'm trying to make an array for ParkingArea(string, int, int, int, int). The file that is getting scanned is here http://uwf.edu/jcoffey/data.txt

  Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
  for (int i = 0;scan.hasNext(); i++)
    for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
      if(x == 0)
        name = scan.next();
        array[x-1] = scan.next();
    ParkingArea[i] = new ParkingArea(name, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)

I get this error when I compile.

Parking.java:40: error: incompatible types
              array[x-1] = scan.next();

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

scan.next() returns a String. If you want to convert it to an int, you need to call `


Instead of

array[x-1] = scan.next();


array[x-1] = scan.nextInt();

a try. Assuming that array is of type int[] , then your issue comes from assigning the int value at array[x-1] to a String , which is what scan.next() returns. Using scan.nextInt() will return an int , thus solving the error.

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