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How can I get all the file names in a directory as a comma separated string in Powershell?

I want to get all the names in a directory as a comma separated string so that I can pass them as a parameter to a cmdlet.

How can I get all the file names in a directory as a comma separated string in Powershell?


 (dir  | % { $_.basename }) -join ','

This should work:

(ls C:\PATH\TO\FOLDER | select -expandproperty name) -join ','

If there are subfolders in there that you want to avoid:

(ls C:\PATH\TO\FOLDER | ?{$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} | select -expandproperty name) -join ','

Quickest/shortest way:

(ls).name -join ','

For specific folder-path:

(ls path\to\folder).name -join ','

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