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java Long rounding to 2 decimals absolute value

long value = Math.round(Math.abs(object.getSomeStuff()/1000));

My object.getSomeStuff() returns a 3 digit integer value. I want to get the absolute value and also round to 2 digits.

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I don't exactly want to round it really, I want to truncate it, but that's a minor issue.

What am I doing wrong? I don't think the rounding is being done correctly here.

Sorry if I was not clear. The main issue is rounding which is not happening. I think i'm just seeing an integer value.

I assume you are getting 0 instead of 0.12 due to type issues (the entire operation happening as Integer ). If so try something like

long value = Math.abs((Float)(object.getSomeStuff()/10)/100);


long value = Math.abs((object.getSomeStuff()/10)/100.0);

This should divide by 10 as Integer to eliminate one digit, and then divides by 100 as a Float to get the final value.

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