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Concurrency, Atomicty, and Isolation in Entity Framework

Based on some periodically and concurrently incoming data, I'm performing an operation that will either insert a new row into a table, or update an existing row in the same table. Whether it inserts or updates a row is dependent on the states of the existing rows. So, the result of this operation will be affected by previous runs of this operation, and affect subsequent runs. I need to ensure atomicity/isolation using transactions, or locks, or something. There seems to be so many options and caveats with Entity Framework (and I'm a complete newbie with database stuff in general too) that I have no idea what direction I should be headed. TransactionScope, BeginTransaction, ambient transactions? Serializable or RepeatableRead? SaveChanges and AcceptAllChanges? Do I even need to do anything special? The fact that a new row can be added makes me worry especially about phantom rows, though I barely understand what that means. Any guidance on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

This tutorial may be helpful to you - http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-ef-using-mvc/handling-concurrency-with-the-entity-framework-in-an-asp-net-mvc-application


Pessimistic Concurrency (Locking)

If your application does need to prevent accidental data loss in concurrency scenarios, one way to do that is to use database locks. This is called pessimistic concurrency. For example, before you read a row from a database, you request a lock for read-only or for update access. If you lock a row for update access, no other users are allowed to lock the row either for read-only or update access, because they would get a copy of data that's in the process of being changed. If you lock a row for read-only access, others can also lock it for read-only access but not for update. Managing locks has some disadvantages. It can be complex to program. It requires significant database management resources, and it can cause performance problems as the number of users of an application increases (that is, it doesn't scale well). For these reasons, not all database management systems support pessimistic concurrency. The Entity Framework provides no built-in support for it, and this tutorial doesn't show you how to implement it.

Optimistic Concurrency

The alternative to pessimistic concurrency is optimistic concurrency. Optimistic concurrency means allowing concurrency conflicts to happen, and then reacting appropriately if they do. For example, John runs the Departments Edit page, changes the Budget amount for the English department from $350,000.00 to $100,000.00. (John administers a competing department and wants to free up money for his own department.)*

There are code examples for both models in the in the tutorial.

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