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special character in JSON \n and double quote

I am having problem when convert string to json object.

\\n gives out Unterminated string . If I want to use new line I use \\n character, then it occurs the error. Example String: Hello \\n this is testing message.

double quote " gives out Expected a ',' or '} Exception. Example String : This is a "TESTING" message.

I use to escape \\ to escape those , but still facing the JSON Exception

The \\n, intended as "newline", must be encoded as \\n in json. \\" is for quoting.

You can open the python shell, write

>>> import json
>>> json.dumps('\n"')

and see the result yourself

I use the StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript() function which make my life easy. http://commons.apache.org/lang/api/org/apache/commons/lang3/StringEscapeUtils.html

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