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Extracting a number from an unspaced string in Python

I need to extracted a number from an unspaced string that has the number in brakets for example:


The only way I can think of is:

def extract_num(s):    
   return int(s2[0])

Which seems very clumsy, does any one know of a better way to do it? (The number is always in "[ ]" brakets)

You could use a regular expression (with the built-in re module ):

import re

bracketed_number = re.compile(r'\[(\d+)\]')

def extract_num(s):
    return int(bracketed_number.search(s).group(1))

The pattern matches a literal [ character, followed by 1 or more digits (the \\d escape signifies the digits character group, + means 1 or more), followed by a literal ] . By putting parenthesis around the \\d+ part, we create a capturing group, which we can extract by calling .group(1) ("get the first capturing group result").


>>> extract_num("auxiliary[0]")
>>> extract_num("foobar[42]")

I would use a regular expression to get the number. See docs: http://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html

Something like:

import re
def extract_num(s):
  m = re.search('\[(\d+)\]', s)
  return int(m.group(1))
print a[-2]

print a[a.index(']') - 1]

print a[a.index('[') + 1]
for number in re.findall(r'\[(\d+)\]',"auxiliary[0]"):

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