cost 78 ms
BGFX setWindowSize Issue

Trying to set window size using native/common functions via entry::setWindowSize, but somehow the window size is still setting it to 1280x720. The bu ...

BGFX shader compilation using shaderc

I'm trying to compile the following shader from this tutorial: I am working on windows so I modified the command from the tutorial to target the wi ...

2022-06-24 09:49:47   1   65    c++ / bgfx  
Hiding mouse cursor

I am using bgfx in c99 to experiment with game dev / game engine dev, so I need to hide my cursor using Windows.h / WinUser.h However even if I use S ...

BGFX and double buffering

Does BGFX internally double buffer everything? Or is this the application programmer's responsibility? All the BGFX examples that render-off screen d ...

Render in bgfx without shader?

Is it possible to render without loading a vertex or fragment shader in bgfx? Maybe this would effectively just be a default shader. The very first ex ...

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