cost 252 ms
Use of chomp in this Perl script

I am trying to learn Perl here and the tutorial suggests the following code snippet after reading some file: I don't quite understand why we need c ...

2016-02-17 08:58:15   3   535    perl / chomp  
Ruby - command exit error

I'm completely new to programming and im having trouble figuring out why Im getting an error when typing the following: When I run in terminal the ...

How to use chomp

Below I have a list of data I am trying to manipulate. I want to split the columns and rejoin them in a different arrangement. I would like to switch ...

Perl weird chomp and newline

I'm having weird things when extracting line from file. Lines are coming from SSH commands sent on a router and saved into a file. They are looking l ...

Perl chomp doesn't remove the newline

I want to read a string from a the first line in a file, then repeat it n repetitions in the console, where n is specified as the second line in the f ...

2014-05-03 17:47:36   1   406    perl / chomp  

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