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[英]How can I cycle through individual pixels in an image and output the highest RGB valued pixel of each row?

我正在尝试导入图像文件,例如file.bmp,读取图像中每个像素的RGB值,然后将每行的最高RGB值像素(最亮像素)输出到屏幕。 关于如何使用Python做任何建议?


import scipy.misc
file_array = scipy.misc.imread("file.bmp")

def get_brightness(pixel_tuple):
   return sum([component*component for component in pixel_tuple])**.5 # distance from (0, 0, 0)

row_maxima = {}
height, width = len(file_array), len(file_array[0])
for y in range(height):
  for x in range(width):
    pixel = tuple(file_array[y][x]) # casting it to a tuple so it can be stored in the dict
    if y in row_maxima and get_brightness(pixel) > row_maxima[y]:
      row_maxima[y] = pixel
    if y not in row_maxima:
      row_maxima[y] = pixel
print row_maxima

你可以在这里充分利用numpy的力量。 请注意,下面的代码输出[0,255]范围内的“亮度”。

#!/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imread

#Read in the image
img = imread('/users/solbrig/smooth_test5.png')

#Sum the colors to get brightness
brightness = img.sum(axis=2) / img.shape[2]

#Find the maximum brightness in each row
row_max = np.amax(brightness, axis=1)
print row_max


#!/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imread

#Read in the image
img = imread('/users/solbrig/smooth_test5.png')

#Pull off alpha layer
if img.shape[2] == 4:
    alph = img[:,:,3]/255.0
    img = img[:,:,0:3]
    alph = np.ones(img.shape[0:1])

#Sum the colors to get brightness
brightness = img.sum(axis=2) / img.shape[2]
brightness *= alph

#Find the maximum brightness in each row
row_max = np.amax(brightness, axis=1)
print row_max


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