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[英]How to calculate intersection points between two lines where one of them is defined by dataframe columns


    'x0': {
        199: 162.2, 441: 324.5, 903: 209.0, 1272: 241.4, 1431: 142.4, 1510: 314.7, 1657: 274.1,
        1777: 217.7, 1811: 261.8, 2022: 143.0, 2164: 341.6, 2167: 364.7, 2461: 348.2, 2606: 256.7,
        2895: 353.2, 114: 249.8, 240: 181.1, 278: 191.6, 372: 249.2, 460: 87.8
    'y0': {
        199: 246.8, 441: 55.4, 903: 236.0, 1272: 233.6, 1431: 230.6, 1510: 249.4, 1657: 67.7,
        1777: 239.3, 1811: 193.7, 2022: 224.0, 2164: 101.6, 2167: 50.3, 2461: 191.9, 2606: 242.3,
        2895: 200.4, 114: 51.5, 240: 104.9, 278: 132.5, 372: 167.0, 460: 207.2
    'x1': {
        199: 201.8, 441: 363.6, 903: 258.1, 1272: 257.0, 1431: 122.4, 1510: 331.0, 1657: 358.7,
        1777: 265.0, 1811: 365.9, 2022: 176.8, 2164: 383.9, 2167: 351.1, 2461: 364.0, 2606: 300.0,
        2895: 352.4, 114: 278.1, 240: 233.3, 278: 171.6, 372: 219.5, 460: 156.8
    'y1': {
        199: 240.2, 441: 114.6, 903: 236.0, 1272: 275.3, 1431: 286.6, 1510: 237.4, 1657: 178.2,
        1777: 244.4, 1811: 100.6, 2022: 273.7, 2164: 154.5, 2167: 184.2, 2461: 127.5, 2606: 244.1,
        2895: 115.1, 114: 85.0, 240: 117.4, 278: 84.1, 372: 159.2, 460: 199.5
         x0     y0     x1     y1
199   162.2  246.8  201.8  240.2
441   324.5   55.4  363.6  114.6
903   209.0  236.0  258.1  236.0
1272  241.4  233.6  257.0  275.3
1431  142.4  230.6  122.4  286.6
1510  314.7  249.4  331.0  237.4

其中后续列定义线段的开始和结束坐标。 我需要计算该线段和线的交点,例如x = 100y = 60 我想将获得的点存储在x1y1列中,以便在存在交集时替换这些值,否则将保留原始x1y1值。 我发现在此链接下定义交点的解决方案,但我不知道如何对其进行矢量化并使其与 Pandas 一起使用。 或者,也许直接在列上工作会更容易? 有任何想法吗?


slopes = (df['y1'] - df['y0']) / (df['x1'] - df['x0'])
y_intercepts = df['y0'] - (slopes * df['x0'])


def get_vertical_intercept(x):
    return slopes * x + y_intercepts

def get_horizontal_intercept(y):
    return (y - y_intercepts) / slopes

至于替换 daframe 值:

intercepts = get_horizontal_intercept(256)
intercepts[np.isinf] = df['x1']
df['x1'] = intercepts.round(1)


>>> df

        x0      y0      x1      y1
199     162.2   246.8   107.0   240.2
441     324.5   55.4    457.0   114.6
903     209.0   236.0   258.1   236.0
1272    241.4   233.6   249.8   275.3
1431    142.4   230.6   133.3   286.6


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