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循环遍历 300k 字典列表的最快方法?

[英]The fastest way to loop through a list of 300k dictionaries?


# I have a list of 300k dictionaries similar in format to the following
# I cannot assume the dictionaries are sorted by the "id" key
sentences = {"id": 1, "some_sentence" :"In general, the performance gains that indexes provide for read operations are worth the insertion penalty.",
             "another_sent": "She said, I had a dream you were playing for the Panthers.' I was like, that's weird because I'm in Indianapolis. But life has come full circle and her dream came true.”" }
# the double quotations are not a typo

# the re.findall is meant to split the the sentence into individual words excluding punctuations
temp = []
temp = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", sentences.get('some_sentence'))
temp += re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", sentences.get('another_sent'))
# temp = ["She", "said", "had",...]

# to delete case-sensitive duplicates so so if "My" and "my" is used in the sentence only "my" is kept
words = list(set(t.lower() for t in temp))

# I need to remove words of length less than 3
for i in words:
    if len(i) < 3:

# put the list of words back into the dict

sentences["Words"] = words. # O(1)

我有一个 300k 字典的列表,现在在我的 mac 上运行大约需要 53 秒我真的不知道我还能做些什么来减少时间


  • 我尝试使用 enumerate 它使它变慢了一点
  • 我曾尝试使用 cython 库将其转换为 C,但由于无法将“re.findall”转换为 C,因此没有得到足够的改进?


这可能会改善 exec 时间,并使您免于麻烦,因为修改您正在迭代的列表不是一个好主意 - 如果不进行分析,很难说改进是微不足道的还是显着的:


words = list(set(t.lower() for t in temp))
for i in words:
    if len(i) < 3:
       words.remove(i)   # this is an expensive operation on longer lists


words = [word for word in set(t.lower() for t in temp) if len(word) > 3]

您可能会使用多个进程获得加速。 由于您在 Mac 上,子进程可以查看父内存。 通过将句子列表作为一个全局变量并且仅将其索引传递给子进程,您就可以通过一种合理的精简方式将数据传送到子进程。 尽管如此,生成的单词列表需要传递回父级,这可能会抵消池的优势。 此方法不适用于在子进程空间中看不到全局变量的 Windows。

import multiprocessing as mp
import re

# I have a list of 300k dictionaries similar in format to the following
# I cannot assume the dictionaries are sorted by the "id" key
sentences = {"id": 1, "some_sentence" :"In general, the performance gains that indexes provide for read operations are worth the insertion penalty.",
                 "another_sent": "She said, I had a dream you were playing for the Panthers.' I was like, that's weird because I'm in Indianapolis. But life has come full circle and her dream came true.”" }
# the double quotations are not a typo

# imagine this is the 300k list of dicts
sentence_list = [sentences]

def worker(index):
    sentences = sentence_list[index]
    # the re.findall is meant to split the the sentence into individual words excluding punctuations
    temp = []
    temp = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", sentences.get('some_sentence'))
    temp += re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", sentences.get('another_sent'))
    # temp = ["She", "said", "had",...]

    # to delete case-sensitive duplicates so so if "My" and "my" is used in the sentence only "my" is kept
    words = list(set(t.lower() for t in temp))

    # I need to remove words of length less than 3
    for i in words:
        if len(i) < 3:

    return index, words

with mp.Pool() as pool:
    for index, words in pool.imap_unordered(worker, range(len(sentence_list))):
        sentence_list[index]["word"] = words


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