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[英]How to get the total value from a 2D list in inheritance?

我的目标:通过添加方法 region_total 来扩展 RegionBank 类,该方法返回该地区所有银行的总金额。

我的问题:如何将 2D 列表的每个值放在实例 RegionBank 的参数上?

# Do not alter this code
import sys
strings = [l.split(",") for l in sys.argv[1].split("*")]
accounts = [[int(n) for n in s] for s in strings]

class Bank:
  def __init__(self, name, customers, accounts):
    self.name = name
    self.customers = customers
    self.accounts = accounts
  def branch_total(self, accounts):
    total = 0
    for account in accounts:
      total += account
    return total

# Write your code here
accounts = [
              [10000, 13000, 22000],
              [30000, 7000, 19000],
              [15000, 23000, 31000]

class RegionalBank(Bank):
  def __init__(self, name, customers, accounts):
    super().__init__(name, customers, accounts)
  def regional_total(self, accounts):
    return super().branch_total(accounts)
for row,col in accounts:
  print( accounts[rows][col] )
RBank1 = RegionalBank("Regional Bank A", 132, accounts)

用这个替换你的 region_total 函数:

def regional_total(self):
    total = 0
    for region in self.accounts:
        for account in region:
            total += account
    return total


RBank1 = RegionalBank("Regional Bank A", 132, accounts)

说明:Bank 类的accounts 属性(通常称为类属性的变量,而参数是函数或类构造函数的输入)是一维列表,而RegionalBank 类的accounts 属性是二维列表(尽管它们是名称相同),因为您只需保存帐户,而不管它是什么维度。


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