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[英]Efficient way to calculate distance matrix given latitude and longitude data in Python

我有緯度和經度的數據,我需要計算包含位置的兩個數組之間的距離矩陣。 我用這獲得給定的緯度和經度兩個位置之間的距離。


import numpy as np
import math

def get_distances(locs_1, locs_2):
    n_rows_1 = locs_1.shape[0]
    n_rows_2 = locs_2.shape[0]
    dists = np.empty((n_rows_1, n_rows_2))
    # The loops here are inefficient
    for i in xrange(n_rows_1):
        for j in xrange(n_rows_2):
            dists[i, j] = get_distance_from_lat_long(locs_1[i], locs_2[j])
    return dists

def get_distance_from_lat_long(loc_1, loc_2):

    earth_radius = 3958.75

    lat_dif = math.radians(loc_1[0] - loc_2[0])
    long_dif = math.radians(loc_1[1] - loc_2[1])
    sin_d_lat = math.sin(lat_dif / 2)
    sin_d_long = math.sin(long_dif / 2)
    step_1 = (sin_d_lat ** 2) + (sin_d_long ** 2) * math.cos(math.radians(loc_1[0])) * math.cos(math.radians(loc_2[0])) 
    step_2 = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(step_1), math.sqrt(1-step_1))
    dist = step_2 * earth_radius

    return dist


>>> locations_1 = np.array([[34, -81], [32, -87], [35, -83]])
>>> locations_2 = np.array([[33, -84], [39, -81], [40, -88], [30, -80]])
>>> get_distances(locations_1, locations_2)
array([[ 186.13522573,  345.46610882,  566.23466349,  282.51056676],
       [ 187.96657622,  589.43369894,  555.55312473,  436.88855214],
       [ 149.5853537 ,  297.56950329,  440.81203371,  387.12153747]])


有沒有一個模塊可以做這樣的事情? 或任何其他解決方案?

你正在使用的Haversine方程中有許多次優的東西。 您可以修剪其中一些並最小化您需要計算的正弦,余弦和平方根的數量。 以下是我能夠提出的最好的,並且在我的系統運行速度比Ophion的代碼快了大約5倍(在矢量化方面大致相同),在1000和2000個元素的兩個隨機數組上:

def spherical_dist(pos1, pos2, r=3958.75):
    pos1 = pos1 * np.pi / 180
    pos2 = pos2 * np.pi / 180
    cos_lat1 = np.cos(pos1[..., 0])
    cos_lat2 = np.cos(pos2[..., 0])
    cos_lat_d = np.cos(pos1[..., 0] - pos2[..., 0])
    cos_lon_d = np.cos(pos1[..., 1] - pos2[..., 1])
    return r * np.arccos(cos_lat_d - cos_lat1 * cos_lat2 * (1 - cos_lon_d))

如果你“按原樣”提供你的兩個數組它會抱怨,但這不是一個錯誤,它是一個功能。 基本上,此函數計算球體在最后一個維度上的距離,並在其余維度上進行廣播。 所以你可以得到你所追求的:

>>> spherical_dist(locations_1[:, None], locations_2)
array([[ 186.13522573,  345.46610882,  566.23466349,  282.51056676],
       [ 187.96657622,  589.43369894,  555.55312473,  436.88855214],
       [ 149.5853537 ,  297.56950329,  440.81203371,  387.12153747]])


>>> spherical_dist(locations_1, locations_2[:-1])
array([ 186.13522573,  589.43369894,  440.81203371])


>>> spherical_dist(locations_1[0], locations_2[0])



def new_get_distances(loc1, loc2):
    earth_radius = 3958.75

    locs_1 = np.deg2rad(loc1)
    locs_2 = np.deg2rad(loc2)

    lat_dif = (locs_1[:,0][:,None]/2 - locs_2[:,0]/2)
    lon_dif = (locs_1[:,1][:,None]/2 - locs_2[:,1]/2)

    np.sin(lat_dif, out=lat_dif)
    np.sin(lon_dif, out=lon_dif)

    np.power(lat_dif, 2, out=lat_dif)
    np.power(lon_dif, 2, out=lon_dif)

    lon_dif *= ( np.cos(locs_1[:,0])[:,None] * np.cos(locs_2[:,0]) )
    lon_dif += lat_dif

    np.arctan2(np.power(lon_dif,.5), np.power(1-lon_dif,.5), out = lon_dif)
    lon_dif *= ( 2 * earth_radius )

    return lon_dif

locations_1 = np.array([[34, -81], [32, -87], [35, -83]])
locations_2 = np.array([[33, -84], [39, -81], [40, -88], [30, -80]])
old = get_distances(locations_1, locations_2)

new = new_get_distances(locations_1,locations_2)



%timeit new_get_distances(locations_1,locations_2)
10000 loops, best of 3: 80.6 µs per loop

%timeit get_distances(locations_1,locations_2)
10000 loops, best of 3: 74.9 µs per loop

對於一個小例子來說,它實際上更慢; 但是,讓我們看一個更大的例子:

locations_1 = np.random.rand(1000,2)

locations_2 = np.random.rand(1000,2)

%timeit get_distances(locations_1,locations_2)
1 loops, best of 3: 5.84 s per loop

%timeit new_get_distances(locations_1,locations_2)
10 loops, best of 3: 149 ms per loop

我們現在的加速比為40倍。 可能會在一些地方擠出更多的速度。


使用meshgrid替換double for循環時效率更高:

import numpy as np

earth_radius = 3958.75

def get_distances(locs_1, locs_2):
   lats1, lats2 = np.meshgrid(locs_1[:,0], locs_2[:,0])
   lons1, lons2 = np.meshgrid(locs_1[:,1], locs_2[:,1])

   lat_dif = np.radians(lats1 - lats2)
   long_dif = np.radians(lons1 - lons2)

   sin_d_lat = np.sin(lat_dif / 2.)
   sin_d_long = np.sin(long_dif / 2.)

   step_1 = (sin_d_lat ** 2) + (sin_d_long ** 2) * np.cos(np.radians(lats1[0])) * np.cos(np.radians(lats2[0])) 
   step_2 = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(step_1), np.sqrt(1-step_1))

   dist = step_2 * earth_radius

   return dist

Haversine公式是否為您的使用提供了足夠的准確度? 它可以關閉很多。 如果你使用proj.4 ,我認為你能夠獲得准確性速度,特別是python綁定, pyproj 請注意,pyproj可以直接在numpy坐標數組上工作。


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