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[英]Why is my rotation matrix giving an extra translation?

幾周前,我決定制作自己的簡單3D游戲引擎。 我在網上看了幾個教程,看了很多視頻,到目前為止,我已經得到了很好的引擎。 但我有一個問題。 當我旋轉或縮放對象時,它的中心似乎是屏幕的左上角而不是它的真實中心。 例如,當我旋轉一個物體時,它會圍繞屏幕的左邊緣旋轉,當我縮放它時,它會朝向屏幕的角落或遠離屏幕的角落。 這是我的代碼:


package com.cub.cubefront.mesh;

import com.cub.cubefront.math.Matrix4f;
import com.cub.cubefront.math.Vector3f;

public class Mesh {

    private Vector3f[] verts;
    private Vector3f center;

    private double rotX = 0;
    private double rotY = 0;
    private double rotZ = 0;

    private double scaleX = 1;
    private double scaleY = 1;
    private double scaleZ = 1;

    private double translateX = 0;
    private double translateY = 0;
    private double translateZ = 0;

public Mesh(int arg0) {
    verts = new Vector3f[arg0];

public Vector3f getVertexAt(int arg0) {
    return verts[arg0 - 1];

public Vector3f[] getVerticies() {
    return verts;

public int getVerticiesCount() {
    return verts.length;

public void setVertexAt(int arg0, Vector3f arg1) {
    verts[arg0 - 1] = arg1;

public void setRotationPoint(Vector3f arg0) {
    this.center = arg0;

public Vector3f getRotationPoint() {
    return center;

public Vector3f getCenter() {
    int arg0 = verts.length;
    double centerX = 0;
    double centerY = 0;
    double centerZ = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < arg0; i++) {
        centerX += verts[i].getX();
        centerY += verts[i].getY();
        centerZ += verts[i].getZ();
    return new Vector3f((float)(centerX / arg0), (float)(centerY / arg0), (float)(centerZ / arg0));

public void rotateX(double arg0) {
    this.rotX += Math.toRadians(arg0);

public void setRotationX(double arg0) {
    this.rotX = Math.toRadians(arg0);

public Matrix4f getXRotationAsMatrix() {
    return new Matrix4f(new double[][] { // YZ rotation matrix (X)
        { 1, 0, 0, 0 },
        { 0, Math.cos(rotX), Math.sin(rotX), 0 },
        { 0, -Math.sin(rotX), Math.cos(rotX), 0 },
        { 0, 0, 0, 1 }

public Matrix4f getZRotationAsMatrix() {
    return new Matrix4f(new double[][] { // XY rotation matrix (Z)
        { Math.cos(rotZ), -Math.sin(rotZ), 0, 0 },
        { Math.sin(rotZ), Math.cos(rotZ), 0, 0 },
        { 0, 0, 1, 0 },
        { 0, 0, 0, 1 }

public void rotateY(double arg0) {
    this.rotY += Math.toRadians(arg0);

public void setRotationY(double arg0) {
    this.rotY = Math.toRadians(arg0);

public Matrix4f getYRotationAsMatrix() {
    return new Matrix4f(new double[][] { // XZ rotation matrix (Y)
        { Math.cos(rotY), 0, Math.sin(rotY), 0 },
        { 0, 1, 0, 0 },
        { -Math.sin(rotY), 0, Math.cos(rotY), 0},
        { 0, 0, 0, 1 }

public void setRotationZ(double arg0) {
    this.rotZ = Math.toRadians(arg0);

public void rotateZ(double arg0) {
    this.rotZ += Math.toRadians(arg0);

public Matrix4f getRotation() {
    return getZRotationAsMatrix().multiply(getXRotationAsMatrix()).multiply(getYRotationAsMatrix());

public void setScaleX(double arg0) {
    this.scaleX = arg0;

public void scaleX(double arg0) {
    this.scaleX += arg0;

public double getScaleX() {
    return scaleX;

public void setScaleY(double arg0) {
    this.scaleY = arg0;

public void scaleY(double arg0) {
    this.scaleY += arg0;

public double getScaleY() {
    return scaleY;

public void setScaleZ(double arg0) {
    this.scaleZ = arg0;

public void scaleZ(double arg0) {
    this.scaleZ += arg0;

public double getScaleZ() {
    return scaleZ;

public void setScale(double arg0) {

public void setScale(double[][] arg0) {
    this.scaleX = arg0[0][0];
    this.scaleY = arg0[1][1];
    this.scaleZ = arg0[2][2];

public void setScale(Matrix4f arg0) {
    this.scaleX = arg0.getValueAt(0, 0);
    this.scaleY = arg0.getValueAt(1, 1);
    this.scaleZ = arg0.getValueAt(2, 2);

public void scale(double arg0) {

public Matrix4f getScale() {
    return new Matrix4f(new double[][] {
            { getScaleX(), 0, 0, 0 },
            { 0, getScaleY(), 0, 0 },
            { 0, 0, getScaleZ(), 0 },
            { 0, 0, 0, 1 }

public void translateX(double arg0) {
    this.translateX += arg0;

public void translateY(double arg0) {
    this.translateY += arg0;

public void translateZ(double arg0) {
    this.translateZ += arg0;

public Matrix4f getTranslation() {
    return new Matrix4f(new double[][] {
        { 1, 0, 0, translateX },
        { 0, 1, 0, translateY },
        { 0, 0, 1, translateZ },
        { 0, 0, 0, 1 }



package com.cub.cubefront;

import com.cub.cubefront.graphics.Bitmap;
import com.cub.cubefront.input.InputHandler;
import com.cub.cubefront.math.Matrix4f;
import com.cub.cubefront.math.Vector2f;
import com.cub.cubefront.math.Vector3f;
import com.cub.cubefront.mesh.Camera;
import com.cub.cubefront.mesh.Mesh;

public class Scene extends Bitmap {

private Camera defaultCam;

public InputHandler input = new InputHandler();

public Scene() {
    super(MainEngine.getWidth(), MainEngine.getHeight());
    defaultCam = new Camera();

public void update() { }

public void start() { }

public void render() { }

public void render(Mesh arg0) {
    Matrix4f trans = arg0.getRotation().multiply(arg0.getScale().multiply(arg0.getTranslation()));
    for (int i = 1; i < arg0.getVerticiesCount()+1; i++) { // Depth: Manipulate x and y with z
        Vector3f v1 = trans.transform(arg0.getVertexAt(i));
        for (int n = 1; n < i; n++) {
            Vector3f v2 = trans.transform(arg0.getVertexAt(n));
                new Vector2f((v1.getX()), (v1.getY())),
                new Vector2f((v2.getX()), (v2.getY()))

public void clear() {
    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
        pixels[i] = 0;

public Camera getCamera() {
    return defaultCam;

public void setCamera(Camera defaultCam) {
    this.defaultCam = defaultCam;



package com.cub.cubefront.math;

public class Matrix4f {

private double[][] values;

public Matrix4f() {
    values = new double[4][4];

public Matrix4f(double[][] arg0) {

private Matrix4f setValues() {
    values[0][0] = 1;  values[0][1] = 0;  values[0][2] = 0;  values[0][3] = 0;
    values[1][0] = 0;  values[1][1] = 1;  values[1][2] = 0;  values[1][3] = 0;
    values[2][0] = 0;  values[2][1] = 0;  values[2][2] = 1;  values[2][3] = 0;
    values[3][0] = 0;  values[3][1] = 0;  values[3][2] = 0;  values[3][3] = 1;
    return this;

public Matrix4f multiply(Matrix4f arg0) {
    double res[][] = new double[4][4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
                res[i][j] += values[i][k] * arg0.getValueAt(k, j);

    return new Matrix4f(res);

public double[][] getValues() {
    return values;

public double getValueAt(int arg0, int arg1) {
    return values[arg0][arg1];

public void setValues(double[][] arg0) {
    this.values = arg0;

public void setValueAt(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
    values[arg0][arg1] = arg2;

public Vector3f transform(Vector3f arg0) {
    return new Vector3f(
        (float)(arg0.getX() * values[0][0] + arg0.getY() * values[1][0] + arg0.getZ() * values[2][0]),
        (float)(arg0.getX() * values[0][1] + arg0.getY() * values[1][1] + arg0.getZ() * values[2][1]),
        (float)(arg0.getY() * values[0][2] + arg0.getY() * values[1][2] + arg0.getZ() * values[2][2])







你看到它是如何圍繞角落而不是它的中心旋轉的嗎? 感謝您努力提供幫助!

這種情況通常發生在您進行轉換而不將對象重置為Origin之后才會影響它。 請記住,Matrix訂單很重要。 旋轉相對於原點發生,因此如果您的對象不在原點上,那么它將奇怪地旋轉。

在將其翻譯為(0,0,0)后嘗試旋轉它。 然后將所需的平移應用於三角形(即轉換為原點,旋轉,返回原始位置)。



通常,如果要圍繞固定點旋轉多邊形,則應該以所需點(0,0,0)方式平移多邊形。 然后繼續旋轉,最后返回原始位置。

假設你有一個帶頂點(1,1)(3,1)(2,3)的三角形。 如果你想圍繞該三角形的中心 (即(2,2) )旋轉,你應該:

  1. 從每個頂點減去(2,2) (使(2,2)原點)
  2. 然后旋轉所需的角度
  3. 向每個頂點添加(2,2) ,返回原始位置。



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