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SciPy / numpy:僅保留稀疏矩陣塊的最大值

[英]SciPy/numpy: Only keep maximum value of a sparse matrix block

我正在嘗試在大型稀疏矩陣上操作(當前為12000 x 12000)。 我想要做的是將其塊設置為零,但將最大值保留在該塊內。 我已經有一個適用於密集矩陣的運行解決方案:

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import random

#x = random(10,10,density=0.5)
x = np.random.random((10,10))
x = x.T * x

def keep_only_max(a,b,c,d):
  sub = x[a:b,c:d]
  z = np.max(sub)
  sub[sub < z] = 0

sizes = np.asarray([0,1,5,4])
sizes_sum = np.cumsum(sizes)

for i in range(1,len(sizes)):
  current_i_min = sizes_sum[i-1]
  current_i_max = sizes_sum[i]
  for j in range(1,len(sizes)):
    if i >= j:
    current_j_min = sizes_sum[j-1]
    current_j_max = sizes_sum[j]

    keep_only_max(current_i_min, current_i_max, current_j_min, current_j_max)
    keep_only_max(current_j_min, current_j_max, current_i_min, current_i_max)


但是,這不適用於稀疏矩陣(嘗試取消注釋頂部的行)。 有什么想法可以在不調用todense()的情況下有效實現嗎?

def keep_only_max(a,b,c,d):
  sub = x[a:b,c:d]
  z = np.max(sub)
  sub[sub < z] = 0

對於稀疏的xsub切片適用於csr格式。 它不會像等效的密集切片那樣快,但是會創建x的該部分的副本。

我必須檢查稀疏的max函數。 但是我可以想象將sub轉換為coo格式,在.data屬性上使用np.argmax ,並具有相應的rowcol值,構造一個形狀相同但只有一個非零值的新矩陣。

如果您的塊以常規,不重疊的方式覆蓋x ,則建議您使用sparse.bmat構造一個新矩陣。 這基本上收集了所有組件的coo屬性,將它們連接到具有適當偏移量的一組數組中,並創建了一個新的coo矩陣。

如果塊散落或重疊,則可能必須生成,然后將它們一個接一個地插入x csr格式應該可以解決此問題,但是會發出稀疏效率警告。 lil應該可以更快地更改值。 我認為它將接受障礙。



from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse import rand
from scipy.sparse import bmat
import numpy as np


# my matrices are symmetric, so generate random symmetric matrix
x = rand(10,10,density=0.4)
x = x.T * x
x = x

def keep_only_max(a,b,c,d):
    sub = x[a:b,c:d]
    z = np.unravel_index(sub.argmax(),sub.shape)
    i1 = z[0]
    j1 = z[1]
    new = csr_matrix(([sub[i1,j1]],([i1],[j1])),shape=(b-a,d-c))
    return new

def keep_all(a,b,c,d):
    return x[a:b,c:d].copy()

# we want to create a chessboard pattern where the first central block is 1x1, the second 5x5 and the last 4x4
sizes = np.asarray([0,1,5,4])
sizes_sum = np.cumsum(sizes)

# acquire 2D array to store our chessboard blocks
r = range(len(sizes)-1)
blocks = [[0 for x in r] for y in r] 

for i in range(1,len(sizes)):
    current_i_min = sizes_sum[i-1]
    current_i_max = sizes_sum[i]

    for j in range(i,len(sizes)):

        current_j_min = sizes_sum[j-1]
        current_j_max = sizes_sum[j]

        if i == j:
            # keep the blocks at the diagonal completely
            sub = keep_all(current_i_min, current_i_max, current_j_min, current_j_max)
            blocks[i-1][j-1] = sub
            # the blocks not on the digonal only keep their maximum value
            current_j_min = sizes_sum[j-1]
            current_j_max = sizes_sum[j]

            # we can leverage the matrix symmetry and only calculate one new matrix.
            m1 = keep_only_max(current_i_min, current_i_max, current_j_min, current_j_max)
            m2 = m1.T

            blocks[i-1][j-1] = m1
            blocks[j-1][i-1] = m2

z = bmat(blocks)


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