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使用 Python 在 3D 空間(長方體)中的給定邊界內隨機生成均勻分布的點

[英]Random generation of uniformly distributed points within given boundries in 3D space(cuboid) with Python


我試圖在 python 的給定邊界內的 3D 長方體空間中生成 2000 個隨機點。 怎么會一個go一下呢?

import random

xrange = (-1000.0, 1000.0)
yrange = (-1000.0, 1000.0)
zrange = (-1000.0, 1000.0)

points = []

[ points.append((random.uniform(*xrange), random.uniform(*yrange), random.uniform(*zrange))) for i in range(2000) ]


numpy 版本,帶有“axis_serie = scale_factor * rand_serie + shift_location”

import numpy as np

n = 2000

x1, x2 = 20, 40
y1, y2 = 10, 20
z1, z2 = 25, 50

xs = (x2 - x1)*np.random.rand(n) + x1
ys = (y2 - y1)*np.random.rand(n) + y1
zs = (z2 - z1)*np.random.rand(n) + z1

注意:正如文檔所指出的,在 [0, 1) 上使用均勻分布。 “1”從未達到。 我不知道這對你是否重要。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs)

ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')


numpy 隨機發生器 class 的uniform方法接受 arrays 作為輸入,它會廣播它們,因此您可以一次調用生成值。

這是一個例子。 首先,導入 numpy 並創建隨機數生成器的實例。 (我正在使用 numpy 1.17.0 中引入的“新”numpy 隨機 API。)

In [65]: import numpy as np

In [66]: rng = np.random.default_rng()


In [67]: x1, x2 = 1, 2
    ...: y1, y2 = 10, 12
    ...: z1, z2 = -5, 0


In [68]: n = 10

In [69]: sample = rng.uniform([x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], size=(n, 3))

In [70]: sample
array([[ 1.99165561, 10.95293326, -1.44300776],
       [ 1.26473083, 11.46700288, -4.76642593],
       [ 1.50086835, 10.16910997, -4.12962459],
       [ 1.40330536, 10.16069764, -2.32614375],
       [ 1.33484647, 11.12465768, -4.41986844],
       [ 1.51458061, 10.67661873, -1.20121699],
       [ 1.48522136, 10.82256589, -4.76048685],
       [ 1.47682586, 10.94448464, -3.33623395],
       [ 1.30821543, 11.67045336, -3.40941982],
       [ 1.37784727, 11.66706056, -0.09819484]])

這也適用於傳統的隨機 API:

In [71]: np.random.uniform([x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], size=(n, 3))
array([[ 1.68445394, 11.59105704, -4.64697128],
       [ 1.61346095, 10.70280999, -2.43062441],
       [ 1.73148392, 11.23600717, -2.66405039],
       [ 1.31235329, 11.23210203, -2.79144212],
       [ 1.07450983, 10.98469372, -4.81962085],
       [ 1.40672198, 11.71311779, -3.52870319],
       [ 1.61392178, 10.5307566 , -2.51603141],
       [ 1.92398626, 10.15939042, -3.11646383],
       [ 1.85797376, 11.88704914, -0.3134136 ],
       [ 1.91229518, 10.23955732, -1.18727606]])


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