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如何使用 R 在 Calibration plot 中添加黃土線、斜率和截距?

[英]How to add the loess line, slope and intercept in Calibration plot using R?


在此處輸入圖像描述 在此處輸入圖像描述



Y <- c(0.4733333, 0.5133333, 0.5400000, 0.5066667, 0.4400000, 0.4733333, 0.4733333, 0.4600000, 0.3933333, 0.5000000, 0.5533333, 0.6266667, 0.5600000, 0.5800000, 0.6000000, 0.5133333, 0.5066667, 0.5933333, 0.5533333, 0.5266667, 0.6800000, 0.6400000, 0.6333333, 0.7266667, 0.6200000, 0.6400000, 0.6200000, 0.7266667, 0.5800000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.7266667, 0.6266667, 0.6933333, 0.7000000, 0.7266667, 0.6866667, 0.6933333, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7200000, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7266667, 0.6733333, 0.6733333, 0.7133333, 0.6800000, 0.6733333, 0.6866667, 0.7466667, 0.7533333, 0.7200000, 0.7066667, 0.7533333, 0.7933333, 0.8000000, 0.7466667, 0.7466667, 0.7133333, 0.8133333,
               0.7400000, 0.7666667, 0.6866667, 0.7933333, 0.6866667, 0.7533333, 0.7266667, 0.7533333, 0.7866667, 0.8000000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.7266667, 0.8200000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8533333, 0.7600000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8333333, 0.7733333, 0.8333333, 0.8600000, 0.8133333, 0.8466667, 0.8266667, 0.8533333, 0.8733333, 0.8666667, 0.8400000, 0.8200000, 0.7866667)

X <- c(0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150,
                0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 
                0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 
                0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 
                0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 
                0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 
                0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 
                0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 
                0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 
                0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516)
attr(X, "names") = rep(as.character(0:9),each = 10)
gr <- rep(1:10,each = 10)
DATA$x2 = as.numeric(as.character(DATA$X))
ggplot(DATA, aes(x2,Y, group = gr))+ 
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0)+
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", se=TRUE, aes(group=1))+
  theme_light()+ #scale_colour_gdocs()+
  labs(title="Calibration plot",
       x ="Predicted values",
       y = "Observed values")+
  stat_summary(aes(group=X),fun.y=function(x){mean(x, na.rm = T)}, 
               geom="point", shape=23, col="red")

我得到以下圖表: 在此處輸入圖像描述

其中,紅色圓圈代表平均值,我想添加這些點的截距和斜率(y = a + bx)。 以及通過箱線圖中位數的曲線。




Y <- c(0.4733333, 0.5133333, 0.5400000, 0.5066667, 0.4400000, 0.4733333, 0.4733333, 0.4600000, 0.3933333, 0.5000000, 0.5533333, 0.6266667, 0.5600000, 0.5800000, 0.6000000, 0.5133333, 0.5066667, 0.5933333, 0.5533333, 0.5266667, 0.6800000, 0.6400000, 0.6333333, 0.7266667, 0.6200000, 0.6400000, 0.6200000, 0.7266667, 0.5800000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.6066667, 0.6400000, 0.6600000, 0.7266667, 0.6266667, 0.6933333, 0.7000000, 0.7266667, 0.6866667, 0.6933333, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7200000, 0.6733333, 0.7666667, 0.7266667, 0.6733333, 0.6733333, 0.7133333, 0.6800000, 0.6733333, 0.6866667, 0.7466667, 0.7533333, 0.7200000, 0.7066667, 0.7533333, 0.7933333, 0.8000000, 0.7466667, 0.7466667, 0.7133333, 0.8133333,
               0.7400000, 0.7666667, 0.6866667, 0.7933333, 0.6866667, 0.7533333, 0.7266667, 0.7533333, 0.7866667, 0.8000000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.7266667, 0.8200000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8533333, 0.7600000, 0.8200000, 0.7600000, 0.8333333, 0.8066667, 0.8333333, 0.7733333, 0.8333333, 0.8600000, 0.8133333, 0.8466667, 0.8266667, 0.8533333, 0.8733333, 0.8666667, 0.8400000, 0.8200000, 0.7866667)

X <- c(0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150, 0.4333150,
                0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 0.5448904, 
                0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 0.6054196, 
                0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 0.6522453, 
                0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 0.6934611, 
                0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 0.7327415, 
                0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 0.7666206, 
                0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 0.7984136, 
                0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 0.8300506, 
                0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516, 0.8732516)

attr(X, "names") = rep(as.character(0:9),each = 10)
gr <- rep(1:10,each = 10)
DATA$x2 = as.numeric(as.character(DATA$X))

DATA2 <- DATA %>%
         group_by(gr) %>%
         summarize(Y=mean(Y), x2=mean(x2))

ggplot(DATA, aes(x2,Y, group = gr))+ 
  geom_smooth(data=DATA2, aes(x2, Y), formula=y~x, method="lm", color="blue", 
              size=1, linetype=1, inherit.aes=F, se=F) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0)+
  theme_light()+ #scale_colour_gdocs()+
  labs(title="Calibration plot",
       x ="Predicted values",
       y = "Observed values")+
  stat_summary(aes(group=X),fun.y=function(x){mean(x, na.rm = T)}, 
               geom="point", shape=23, col="red")



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