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[英]How do I get the value of captured shader parameters

I'm looking for a frame capture program (like Intel GPA, GPUPerfStudio, PerfHUD, or DX Debugger) that allows me to get the value of shader parameters when I debug a captured frame. 我正在寻找一个帧捕获程序(例如Intel GPA,GPUPerfStudio,PerfHUD或DX Debugger),当我调试捕获的帧时,该程序可让我获取着色器参数的值。 In Intel GPA, it shows me the name as well as the type (like float , float2 , float3 , or float4 ) of the parameters, but it doesn't show me their value. 在Intel GPA中,它显示参数的名称以及类型(例如floatfloat2float3float4 ),但不会显示它们的值。

I tried looking at the API log, but it is unclear, and instead of printing the value parameter of SETVERTEXSHADERCONSTANTF (which I presume sets the value of a shader parameter) it prints System.Single[] . 我尝试查看API日志,但尚不清楚,而不是打印SETVERTEXSHADERCONSTANTF的value参数(我假定它设置了着色器参数的值),而是打印System.Single[]

If you're using VS2013 you can debug your hlsl code with it: Debugging HLSL . 如果您使用的是VS2013,则可以使用它调试 hlsl代码: 调试HLSL See also this video 另请参阅此视频

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