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从视口坐标转换为[-1,1] ^ 2顶点[OpenGL]

[英]Converting from Viewport Coordinates to [-1,1]^2 Vertex [OpenGL]

G'day! G'day!

Say I have a mouse click represented by its integer values in the window (with the window being resizable), so its domain would be (0,0) - > (current_width, current_height). 假设我在窗口中以整数值表示鼠标单击(窗口可调整大小),因此其域为(0,0)->(current_width,current_height)。 Is there an easy way to 'normalise' or convert this mouse click position to a vertex in OpenGL land? 有没有一种简单的方法可以“标准化”或将鼠标单击位置转换为OpenGL平台中的顶点? ie a point in R^2 with domain [-1,1]^2? 即R ^ 2中具有域[-1,1] ^ 2的点?

Eg: If the current width and height of the window was 400 and 600 respectively, and I clicked at 400,600, I'd like to easily convert that to [1,-1]. 例如:如果窗口的当前宽度和高度分别为400和600,而我单击了400,600,我想轻松地将其转换为[1,-1]。

Does this functionality exist within OpenGL or will I have to write the function myself? 该功能是否在OpenGL中存在,还是我必须自己编写该功能?

Cheers. 干杯。

You'll have to write the function yourself, but it's trivial: 您必须自己编写函数,但这很简单:

x_ogl = 2.0 * (x_mouse - width / 2) / width
y_ogl = -2.0 * (y_mouse - height / 2) / height

The negation in the second formula is to convert from "+ve Y down" in mouse / screen coordinates to more normal cartesian of "+ve Y up". 第二个公式中的否定是将鼠标/屏幕坐标中的“ + ve Y向下”转换为“ + ve Y向上”的更正常的笛卡尔坐标。

Also, it would be more conventional to maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio between X and Y coordinates with the larger axis maintaining the range [-1, 1] and the smaller axis having a smaller range. 同样,将传统的做法是在X和Y坐标之间保持1:1的纵横比,其中较大的轴保持范围[-1,1],较小的轴保持较小的范围。

If that's what you'd really prefer, then replace the right hand side of the outer division by max(width, height) in both of the two expressions above instead of as shown. 如果那是您真正想要的,则在上面两个表达式中的max(width, height)中替换外部分隔的右侧,而不是如图所示。

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