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Verilog HDL错误:左侧分配非法

[英]Verilog HDL error: Illegal left-hand side assignment

I am learning CPU Design and basic Verilog HDL. 我正在学习CPU设计和基本的Verilog HDL。 I have a processor running in tkgate on Fedora 29 and I have designed a hardware RAM disk. 我有一个在Fedora 29上的tkgate中运行的处理器,并且设计了一个硬件RAM磁盘。 I can't test the RAM but have decided to replace it with an HDL RAM disk. 我无法测试RAM,但已决定将其替换为HDL RAM磁盘。 Whenever I try to simulate the circuit, I get the error: 每当我尝试模拟电路时,都会出现错误:
RAM_HDL, line 17: Illegal use of 'w7' in left-hand-side assignment. RAM_HDL,第17行:在左侧分配中非法使用“ w7”。
Here is my code for the RAM: 这是我的RAM代码:

module RAM_HDL(RAM, Data_In, Data_Out, Address, RW);  
    reg [15:0] RAM [127:0];  
    wire [15:0] Data_In;  
    wire [15:0] Data_Out;  
    wire [7:0] Address;  
    wire RW;  

        $readmemb("RAM_DATA.BIN", RAM);  

    always @(*)  
            if (RW)  
                RAM[Address] <= Data_In;  
            Data_Out <= Address;  


The error is on line 17: 错误在第17行:

Data_Out <= Address;  

I believe one of your problems is trying to assign to a wire type in an always block. 我相信您的问题之一就是试图在Always块中分配一种导线类型。 Try changing the declaration of Data_Out to reg instead of wire. 尝试将Data_Out的声明更改为reg而不是wire。 The 2 following examples compiled for me: 以下2个示例为我编译:

module RAM_HDL(Data_In, Data_Out, Address, RW);  
reg [15:0] RAM [127:0];  
input wire [15:0] Data_In;  
output reg [15:0] Data_Out;  
input wire [7:0] Address;  
input wire RW;  

    $readmemb("RAM_DATA.BIN", RAM);  

always @(*)  
        if (RW)  
            RAM[Address] <= Data_In;  
        Data_Out <= Address;  


note the changes. 注意更改。 input and output are declared on the ports. 输入和输出在端口上声明。 The ram array is not one of the ports and the data_out is a reg. ram数组不是端口之一,而data_out是reg。

another option would be to move the assignment of data out outside the always block and keep it as a wire: 另一个选择是将数据分配移出Always块之外,并使其保持连线:

module RAM_HDL(Data_In, Data_Out, Address, RW);  
reg [15:0] RAM [127:0];  
input wire [15:0] Data_In;  
output wire [15:0] Data_Out;  
input wire [7:0] Address;  
input wire RW;  

    $readmemb("RAM_DATA.BIN", RAM);  

always @(*)  
        if (RW)  
            RAM[Address] <= Data_In;    
assign Data_Out = Address;


the changes are mostly the same. 变化基本相同。 the input output declarations and the ram array is removed from the port list. 输入输出声明和ram数组从端口列表中删除。 Data_Out however is now assigned outside the always block so it can stay a wire. 但是,现在将data_Out分配到Always块之外,这样它就可以保持连接。

The following code compiles at least: 以下代码至少可以编译:

module RAM_HDL(Data_In, Data_Out, Address, RW);

reg [15:0] RAM [127:0];    
input [15:0] Data_In;  
output [15:0] Data_Out;  
input [7:0] Address;  
input RW;  

  $readmemb("RAM_DATA.BIN", RAM);  

always @(*)  
    if (RW)  
      RAM[Address] <= Data_In;  
assign Data_Out = RAM[Address];  


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