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[英]how to design a flip flop that samples the input after 2 clock cycles using system verilog?

the data is input in the first posedge clock but the output should present after 2 clock cycles.数据在第一个 posedge 时钟中输入,但 output 应该在 2 个时钟周期后出现。

i've tried using #delay but not quite getting it.我试过使用#delay,但不太明白。

forever #10 clk = ~clk;
always @ (posedge clk) begin //synchronous rst
#60 q<=d;

One way to solve your problem would be to have 2 flip-flops.解决问题的一种方法是使用 2 个触发器。

reg q1, q2;
always @(posedge clk) begin
   q1 <= d;
   q2 <= q1;

Now, q2 will follow the input with a 2 clock-cycle latency, which is what you wanted.现在,q2 将以 2 个时钟周期延迟跟随输入,这正是您想要的。

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