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[英]Cross-correlation between images

I'd like to compute the cross correlation using de Fast Fourier Transform, for cloud motion tracking following the steps of the image below.我想使用 de Fast Fourier Transform 计算互相关,以便按照下图的步骤进行云运动跟踪。


def roi_image(image):
    image = cv.imread(image, 0)
    roi = image[700:900, 1900:2100]
    return roi

def FouTransf(image):
    img_f32 = np.float32(image)
    d_ft = cv.dft(img_f32, flags = cv.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    d_ft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(d_ft)

    rows, cols = image.shape
    opt_rows = cv.getOptimalDFTSize(rows)
    opt_cols = cv.getOptimalDFTSize(cols)
    opt_img = np.zeros((opt_rows, opt_cols))
    opt_img[:rows, :cols] = image 
    crow, ccol = opt_rows / 2 , opt_cols / 2
    mask = np.zeros((opt_rows, opt_cols, 2), np.uint8)
    mask[int(crow-50):int(crow+50), int(ccol-50):int(ccol+50)] = 1

    f_mask = d_ft_shift*mask
    return f_mask

def inv_FouTransf(image):

    f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(image)
    img_back = cv.idft(f_ishift)
    img_back = cv.magnitude(img_back[:, :, 0], img_back[:, :, 1])

    return img_back

def rms(sigma):
    rms = np.std(sigma)
    return rms

# Step 1: Import images
a = roi_image(path_a)
b = roi_image(path_b)

# Step 2: Convert the image to frequency domain
G_t0 = FouTransf(a)
G_t0_conj = G_t0.conj()
G_t1 = FouTransf(b)

# Step 3: Compute C(m, v)
C = G_t0_conj * G_t1

# Step 4: Convert the image to space domain to obtain Cov (p, q)
c_w = inv_FouTransf(C)

# Step 5: Compute Cross correlation
R_pq = c_w / (rms(a) * rms(b)) 

I'm a little confused because I've never use that technique.我有点困惑,因为我从来没有使用过这种技术。 ¿The application es accurate? ¿ 应用程序准确吗?

HINT: eq (1) is: R(p,q) = Cov(p,q) / (sigma_t0 * sigma_t1).提示:eq (1) 是:R(p,q) = Cov(p,q) / (sigma_t0 * sigma_t1)。 If more information is required the paper is: "An Automated Techinique or Obtaining Cloud Motion from Geostatiory Satellite Data Using Cross Correlation".如果需要更多信息,论文是:“使用互相关从地球静止卫星数据中获取云运动的自动化技术”。

I found this source but I don't know if does something I'm trying.我找到了这个来源,但我不知道我是否正在尝试做某事。

If you are trying to do something similar to cv2.matchTemplate() , a working python implementation of the Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) method can be found in this repository :如果您尝试执行类似于cv2.matchTemplate()的操作,可以在此存储库中找到标准化互相关(NCC) 方法的有效 python 实现:

# Author: Ujash Joshi, University of Toronto, 2017                                     #
# Based on Octave implementation by: Benjamin Eltzner, 2014 <b.eltzner@gmx.de>         #
# Octave/Matlab normxcorr2 implementation in python 3.5                                #
# Details:                                                                             #
# Normalized cross-correlation. Similiar results upto 3 significant digits.            #
# https://github.com/Sabrewarrior/normxcorr2-python/master/norxcorr2.py                #
# http://lordsabre.blogspot.ca/2017/09/matlab-normxcorr2-implemented-in-python.html    #

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

def normxcorr2(template, image, mode="full"):
    Input arrays should be floating point numbers.
    :param template: N-D array, of template or filter you are using for cross-correlation.
    Must be less or equal dimensions to image.
    Length of each dimension must be less than length of image.
    :param image: N-D array
    :param mode: Options, "full", "valid", "same"
    full (Default): The output of fftconvolve is the full discrete linear convolution of the inputs. 
    Output size will be image size + 1/2 template size in each dimension.
    valid: The output consists only of those elements that do not rely on the zero-padding.
    same: The output is the same size as image, centered with respect to the ‘full’ output.
    :return: N-D array of same dimensions as image. Size depends on mode parameter.

    # If this happens, it is probably a mistake
    if np.ndim(template) > np.ndim(image) or \
            len([i for i in range(np.ndim(template)) if template.shape[i] > image.shape[i]]) > 0:
        print("normxcorr2: TEMPLATE larger than IMG. Arguments may be swapped.")

    template = template - np.mean(template)
    image = image - np.mean(image)

    a1 = np.ones(template.shape)
    # Faster to flip up down and left right then use fftconvolve instead of scipy's correlate
    ar = np.flipud(np.fliplr(template))
    out = fftconvolve(image, ar.conj(), mode=mode)

    image = fftconvolve(np.square(image), a1, mode=mode) - \
            np.square(fftconvolve(image, a1, mode=mode)) / (np.prod(template.shape))

    # Remove small machine precision errors after subtraction
    image[np.where(image < 0)] = 0

    template = np.sum(np.square(template))
    out = out / np.sqrt(image * template)

    # Remove any divisions by 0 or very close to 0
    out[np.where(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(out)))] = 0

    return out

The returned object from normxcorr2() is the cross correlation matrix.normxcorr2()返回的 object 是互相关矩阵。

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