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Special character Symbol replacing ''�"

how to replace this symbol from java coding .. when i copied it into here its look like " " but in the coding it looks like a

small square box

if i saved the code its asking to save as 'utf-8' any one help me? Actually this is saved in the MYSQL Table while accession iam getting the problem

i will explain the scenario here..

I have to replace the single quotes and new line and double quotes characters in a string in java..

when i was iterating, i found a string like 'RS approves President?s Rule', i've checked in the database it is saved as 'RS approves President[small square box]s Rule '....i first think that 'single qoute' and tried to replace,

how can i replace this symbol..

Can you give more info on the flow of the string?

input - webform
java - parses it or plain inserts it into the DB?
MySQL - stores the data

Make sure the input is set to (allow) UTF-8?
That the string in the Java is handled as UTF-8
Also that MySQL is set to UTF-8

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