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Find phone number in a string and format

I have strings with un-formatted phone numbers, is there any way to find them and format the number and save?

Sample strings I have are

Name: Tippu     
Phone: 408.273.3939
Email: tippu@tippu.com

another sample

Contact Tippu at (408) 363 2323     

In these examples I need to find the phone number and change it to NNN-NNN-NNNN format. Data is in SQL Server and I am using c#.


You can use the following pseudocode.

string.Replace(/\(?(\d{3})[)(-.\s]*(\d{3})[)-.\s]*(\d{4})/, "$1-$2-$3")

It will replace both the provided examples in NNN-NNN-NNNN format.

Let me explain you the regex a bit.
\\(? in the beginning looks if the string is starting with a bracket
(\\d{3}) looks for three numeric digits, and make a capturing group. [)(-.\\s]* looks for ) ( - . and a space . * makes sure to take care of the case where bracket is followed by a space.
\\d{4} looks for 4 digits.
Here $1 $2 and $3 are the capture groups. You can use them according to your language.

I believe, you can probably use Regex.Replace() function in C#

Probably not the best... But this is something like what I would do if it were me. It might at least help. Firstly, I assume that the last numbers in your strings represent the phone number:

x = <your string>.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
x = x.substring(x.length-10);
x = x.substring(0,3) +'-'+ x.substring(3,6) + '-' + x.substring(6);

Assuming Your Phone number is in this format - "408.273.3939" then this would be helpful to you

 var stringText = "408.273.3939";
            var phoneArr = stringText.Split('.');
            String.Format("%s-%s-%s", phoneArr[0], phoneArr[1], phoneArr[2]);

Moreover your question is also not clear to me.

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