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Javascript - I can't concatenate at the beginning of my string

Here's what I want to do:

Check if there is the first character "@" within my string, If not, add it.

Here is my code:


    $("#twitter").blur(function() {
            var s = $("#twitter").val();
            var isAt = s.charAt(0);
            if(isAt !== "@") {
                s = "@" + s;

The Problem:

When I tab to the next input (in turn blurring #twitter) Its lol'ing but not setting the value of the input to "@Rick" when I type "Rick".

Any ideas why?

Change this:

s = "@" + s;

to this:

$("#twitter").val('@' + s);

The problem is that you're updating the value stored in your s reference, but there's no dynamic binding between that variable and the input field itself (ie, you have to still update the #twitter value manually).

Edit: as suggested by @epascarello below, this is probably a cleaner solution:

    $('#twitter').blur(function() {
        var $this = $(this),
            val = $this.val();
        if (val.charAt(0) !== '@') {
            $this.val('@' + val);

And... just for the heck of it, another approach:

    $('#twitter').blur(function() {
        if (this.value.charAt(0) === '@') return;
        $(this).val(function(i, v) { return '@' + v });

One more...

$(document).on('blur', '#twitter', function() {
    $(this).val(function(i, v) {
        return v.replace(/(@)?(.*)/, '@$2')

Note: you should probably use the first or second one... i'm getting esoteric over here...

    $("#twitter").blur(function() {
        var s = $("#twitter").val();
        var isAt = s.charAt(0);
        if(isAt !== "@") {
            $("#twitter").val("@" + s);

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