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What does ClassName& as a return type mean?

I try to understand the following code (taken from here ):

template <class T> class auto_ptr
    T* ptr;
    explicit auto_ptr(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
    ~auto_ptr()                 {delete ptr;}
    T& operator*()              {return *ptr;} // <----- The problematic row.
    T* operator->()             {return ptr;}
    // ...

I cannot understand what do we mean when we use T& as a return type of a function. If T is a pointer to an integer (or any other type), then I would interpret T& as integer (or any other corresponding type). But in the above given code T is not a pointer. T is a class, and one of its members ( ptr ) is a pointer to objects of this class but T is not a class of pointers. So, what does T& as a return type mean?

It means the same as outside the context of a function's return type, ie T& is a reference to T . In this case, the function returns a reference to an object of type T that the caller can use to observe (and also alter, if T is not const -qualified) the referenced object.

T& is simply a reference to type T . the function returns a reference to an object of class T .

T is a class, and one of its members (ptr) is a pointer to objects of this class but T is not a class of pointers.

ptr is not a member of class T . It is a member of class auto_ptr<T> . ptr is a pointer to T . But the fact that T is not a "class of pointers" (whatever that means) does not prevent something being a pointer to a T .

std::string is a class - of strings, not pointers.

std::string str; is an object of class std::string .

&str is the address of str

std::string * ps = &str;

is a pointer to an std::string .

From the top:

template <class T> class auto_ptr is a class template whose sole template parameter is class T . You instantiate the template by specifying some actual class for T and declaring some object of the resulting type:

auto_ptr<std::string> aps;

That gives you another actual class, "auto-pointer-to-string", which is exactly like:

class auto_ptr_to_string
    std::string * ptr;
    explicit auto_ptr(std::string * p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
    ~auto_ptr()                 {delete ptr;}
    std::string & operator*()   {return *ptr;}
    std::string * operator->()  {return ptr;}
    // ...

And aps is an object defined like that.

The class has a data member ptr , which is a pointer to an std::string .

The class also has an operator:

std::string & operator*()   {return *ptr;}

This operator defines the behaviour that results from applying the '*'-prefix to an object of type auto_ptr<std::string> , eg *aps .

The definition of the operator tells you that it returns a reference to an std::string , and that the std::string referred to by this reference is *ptr , which means "the one referred to by the data member ptr ".


auto_ptr<std::string> aps(new std::string("Get it?"));

constructs an auto_ptr<std::string> called aps and the constuctor initializes the data member aps.ptr with a pointer to a dynamically allocated std::string containing "Get it?".


std::string s = *aps;

according to the definition of auto_ptr<std::string>::operator*() , declares an std::string s and initializes it with the std::string referred to by aps.ptr , namely that one containing "Get it?"

Finally the class T syntax for template parameters does not actually restrict their values to classes: auto_ptr<int> , for example, is fine, though int is not a class type. And I reiterate Mike Seymour's comment about auto_ptr being a bad old thing.

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