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How should I prevent multiple inserts here?

I am inserting 5000 transactions with about 6 banks, but I get 5000 bank rows in the database with duplicate names.

public class Transaction
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime TransDate { get; set; }
    public decimal Value { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public Bank Bank { get; set; }

public class Bank
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class FinancialRecordContext : DbContext
    public FinancialRecordContext() : base("FinancialRecordDatabase") { }

    public DbSet<Transaction> Transactions { get; set; }

    public DbSet<Bank> Banks { get; set; }

    public Bank FindOrInsertBank(string bankName)
        var bank = Banks.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == bankName);
        if (bank == null)
            bank = new Bank { Name = bankName };
        return bank;

Then to insert I am looping through some data and inserting thusly:

        using (var context = new FinancialRecordContext())
            foreach (var t in data)
                var tran = new Transaction
                    Description = t.Description,
                    Value = t.Value,
                    TransDate = t.TransDate,
                    Bank = context.FindOrInsertBank(t.BankName)

It would appear that the FindOrInsertBank method is going to the database all the time and not looking locally at it's recently added, but not committed banks. How can/should I be doing this?

Should I SaveChanges after each bank insert? Not really what I want to do I want this to be all one transaction.

You can try to query the change tracker (which is an in-memory query, not a database query):

using (var context = new FinancialRecordContext())
    foreach (var t in data)
        Bank bank = context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
            .Where(e => e.Entity is Bank && e.State != EntityState.Deleted)
            .Select(e => e.Entity as Bank)
            .SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == t.BankName);

        if (bank == null)
            bank = context.FindOrInsertBank(t.BankName);

        var tran = new Transaction
            Description = t.Description,
            Value = t.Value,
            TransDate = t.TransDate,
            Bank = bank


Using the change tracker here could be bad for performance because Bank.Name is not the key of the entity and I guess the query would be a linear search through the entries. In this case using a handwritten dictionary might be the better solution:

using (var context = new FinancialRecordContext())
    var dict = new Dictionary<string, Bank>();
    foreach (var t in data)
        Bank bank;
        if (!dict.TryGetValue(t.BankName, out bank))
            bank = context.FindOrInsertBank(t.BankName);
            dict.Add(t.BankName, bank);

        var tran = new Transaction
            Description = t.Description,
            Value = t.Value,
            TransDate = t.TransDate,
            Bank = bank

A couple of suggestions to try:

1) Check the Local collection of DbSet<Bank> first.

public Bank FindOrInsertBank(string bankName)
    var bank = Banks.Local.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == bankName);
    if (bank == null)
        var bank = Banks.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == bankName);
        if (bank == null)
            bank = new Bank { Name = bankName };
    return bank;

2) Force a call to DetectChanges() after each update


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