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How can I retrieve and use the ID of a record I've created inside an RSpec/Capybara test?

I'm trying to visit a page for an object I'm creating inside an individual test.

it "should display some text" do
  visit "/tickets/#{Ticket.last.id}"
  page.should have_content 'Some Text'

Inside the scope of this test, Ticket.last brings up the record to the one I've just created. 我刚刚创建的记录显示了该记录。 After this individual test, I am able to retrieve the correct record in a rails test console by issuing Ticket.last .

It seems like the record isn't truly being persisted to the database until after the current test concludes.

How can I retrieve this ID inside the test?

I think the implementation of visit is not correct. If the other implementation of create_ticket is correct and you're sure about that. You can try this:

it "should display some text" do
  visit ticket_path(Ticket.last.id) # you should be even able to get the ticket with Ticket.last
  page.should have_content 'Some Text'

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