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Convert integer to integer array or binary

I am trying to convert an integer to a binary number using an integer array. The first conversion is toBinaryString where I get the proper conversion "11111111" then the next step to convert to an array. This is where it goes wrong and I think its the getChar line.

int x = 255;


int[] array = new int[string.length()];

for (int i=0; i< string.length(); i++){
array[i] = string.getChar(i);

   Log.d("TAG", " Data " + array[1] "," + array[2] + "," + array[3]);

Log displays ( Data 0,0,0 ) the results I am looking for is ( Data 1,1,1 )

Here is the final code and it works.

        // NEW
int x = 128;


int[] array = new int[string.length()];

for (int i=0; i < string.length(); i++) {
array[i] = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(i,i+1));

Log.d("TAG", "Data   " + array[0] + "" + array[1]+ "" + array[2] + "" + array[3]+  " " + array[4]+ "" + array[5] + "" + array[6] + "" + array[7]);
// Take your input integer
int x = 255;
// make an array of integers the size of Integers (in bits)
int[] digits = new Integer[Integer.SIZE];
// Iterate SIZE times through that array
for (int j = 0; j < Integer.SIZE; ++j) {
  // mask of the lowest bit and assign it to the next-to-last
  // Don't forget to subtract one to get indicies 0..(SIZE-1)
  digits[Integer.SIZE-j-1] = x & 0x1;
  // Shift off that bit moving the next bit into place
  x >>= 1;

First of all, an array starts from the index of 0 instead of 1, so change the following line of code:

Log.d("TAG", " Data " + array[1] "," + array[2] + "," + array[3]);


Log.d("TAG", " Data " + array[0] "," + array[1] + "," + array[2]);

Next, the following line of code:

array[i] = string.getChar(i);

You are trying to get a character value to an Integer array, you may want to try the following instead and parse the value into an Integer (also, the "getChar" function does not exist):

array[i] = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(string.charAt(i)));

I hope I've helped.

PS - Thanks to Hyrum Hammon for pointing out about the String.valueOf.

怎么样 :

array[i] = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(i,i+1));

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