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replace array value with hashmap values

        HashMap<String, String> apos = new HashMap<String, String>();
        apos.put("i'm","I am");
        apos.put("couldn't","could not");
        String[] st = new String[]{"i'm","johny"};
        Iterator itr = apos.entrySet().iterator();
        for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) {
            while((itr).hasNext()) {
                if (itr.equals(st[i]))
                    st[i].replace(st[i],??????(value of the matched key))


I want to compare a string with hashmap and rerplace a word with hashmap value if it matches with its key. Above is what i am trying to do. Could anyone will please help me what i should write in place of key.

Help will be appreciated. Thanks

  1. You don't need to iterate over the map to find out whether an array value is a key in map. Use Map#containsKey() method for that. So, get rid of that iterator.

     if (map.containsKey(s[i])) 
  2. You don't need a replace at all. You can simply assign a new value to an array index using = operator.

     s[i] = newValue; 
  3. To get the value from the map for a particular key to set in the array, use Map#get(Object) method.


Try this out: Instead of st[i].replace(st[i],??????(value of the matched key))


     st[i] = (String)itr.getValue(); 

Refer to this tutorial for usage details.

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