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c++ read text file and store it to vector


You are on the right way, by using std::getline . But instead you should read the file line by line, and then put the full line in an std::istringstream , and then you can use std::getline to tokenize the line.

You can't use the normal input operator >> as that separates on space.


while (std::getline(readFile, line))
    std::istringstream iss(line);
    std::string temp;

    std::getline(iss, temp, ':');
    itemId = std::stoi(temp);

    std::getline(iss, itemDescription, ':');
    std::getline(iss, itemCategory, ':');
    std::getline(iss, itemSubCategory, ':');

    std::getline(iss, temp, ':');
    amountPerUnit = std::stod(temp);

    std::getline(iss, temp, ':');
    quantity = std::stoi(temp);

    std::getline(iss, date, ':');

    // Create object and add it to the vector

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