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java regex match string containing words with no digits and optionally separated by comma

Inspired by a previous question, I'm trying to find a regex that matches a string containing at least one word formed by only characters, not digits. So \\w is not applicable. Comma separated words are ok only if there are not two commas in a row.

This is the best I've found is:


but it doesn't match the following strings:


Here's a test program to determine if a regex is correct:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;

class Ideone
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
    String regex = "(.*\\s+,?)*([a-zA-Z]+)+(,?\\s+.*)*";
    String shouldMatch[] = new String[] {
        "aaaaa bbbbb",
        "aaaaa 11111",
        "11111 aaaaa",
        "aaaaa, 11111",
        "aaaaa,  11111",
        "11111, aaaaa",
        "11111,  aaaaa",
        "aaaaa1111 bbbbb",
        "aaaaa1111 bbbbb ccccc",
        "aaaaa1111bbbbb ccccc",
        "aaaaa11111bbbbb ccccc 22222",
        ",,aaaaa bbbbb",
        "aaaaa,,bbbbb ccccc",

    String shouldNotMatch[] = new String[] {
        "aaaaa11111bbbbb 11111ccccc",
        "aaaaa11111bbbbb ccccc11111",
        "11111 22222",

    boolean result = true;

    for(String stringToTest : shouldMatch){
        if (!(stringToTest.matches(regex))){
            System.out.println(stringToTest + " Don't match. WRONG.");
            result = false;

    for(String stringToTest : shouldNotMatch){
        if (stringToTest.matches(regex)){
            System.out.println(stringToTest + " Match. WRONG.");
            result = false;

    if (result){
        System.out.println("Congratulation, your regex is right.");
    else {
        System.out.println("Result of one ore more test is wrong.");

Edit: Added some more String that should not match the regex, empty string and numbers only (plus comma or spaces).

This works, I checked with your test program:

String regex = "^.*?(?<=\\s|^|,)(?<!,,)[A-Za-z]+(?!,,)(?=\\s|,|$).*$";


^ "begins with"

.*? non-greedy for any non-newline character

(?<=\\\\s|^|,) Positive look behind for white space or beginning of string or , , since they are the only valid characters that can come before our definition of word

(?<!,,) Negative look behind for ,, , as they are now allowed before word
[A-Za-z]+ 1 or more letters

(?!,,) Negative look ahead for ,, as they are now allowed after word

(?=\\\\s|,|$) Positive look ahead for white space or end of string or , , since they are the only valid characters that can come after our definition of word

$ "ends with"


String regex = "(?i)(?=.*?(?<!,,)\\b[a-z]+\\b(?!,,))[, \\w]+";

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