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Key=Value pair validation using Regular Expression

Need to validate the following string using regular expression:

Key=Value;Key=Value;Key=Value and so on

For example: MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ

  1. Key and value can contain anything except = and ;
  2. Key and Value both cannot be blank or empty with sapces
  3. Input string does not ends with ;

Tried with the following regular expression

Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile("(([^=;]*)=([^=;]*);?)+");
Matcher matcher = pattern1.matcher("MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ");
if (matcher.matches())

Below is validation result of above regular expression with Input Strings

Input String                                      Validation Result  Expected Result

1. MAC Address=                         Match              Match
2. MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ        Match              Match
3. MAC Address=;                        Match              Not
4. MAC =Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ       Match              Not
5. MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ                      Match              Not  
6. MAC Address=     ; zproduct_id=XYZ                 Match              Not  
7.     = ; zproduct_id=XYZ              Match              Not

Please suggest a regular expression which shall validate all above scenario for the expected results.

Thanks in Advance

This is a little more elaborate.

Edit this one enforces that Key must be a value that is not a whitespace (nor empty).
Otherwise, =;=;=;=;=;=;=;= is going to be valid.
So this would be valid Key1 = ;Key2=val; Key1= val Key1 = ;Key2=val; Key1= val

 # "^(?:\\s*((?:[^=;\\s]+\\s+)*[^=;\\s]+)\\s*=\\s*([^=;]*)(?:;(?!\\s*$)|$))+$"

      (                             # (1 start)
           (?: [^=;\s]+ \s+ )*
      )                             # (1 end)
      ( [^=;]* )                    # (2)
           ; (?! \s*  $ )
        |  $ 


Edit2 This enforces that Key and Value cannot be whitespace (nor empty).

 #   "^(?:\\s*((?:[^=;\\s]+\\s+)*[^=;\\s]+)\\s*=\\s*((?:[^=;\\s]+\\s+)*[^=;\\s]+)\\s*(?:;(?!\\s*$)|$))+$"

      (                             # (1 start), Key
           (?: [^=;\s]+ \s+ )*
      )                             # (1 end)
      (                             # (2 start), Value
           (?: [^=;\s]+ \s+ )*
      )                             # (2 end)
           (?! \s*  $ )
        |  $ 

Use this regex:

Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile("([^=;]*)=([^=;]*)(?:;|$) *");

Instead of:

if (matcher.matches()) {...}

Use Matcher#find() :

while ( matcher.find() ) {
   System.out.println("key: " + matcher.group(1) + ", value: " + matcher.group(2));

Try with the next regular expression:

private static final Pattern REGEX_PATTERN = 

From https://www.debuggex.com/


From your example it looks like every key=value pair (except last one) should have ; after it. To express this fact try changing your regex and replace ;? with (;(?!$)|$) (it will accept ; only if there is no end of data after it, OR will accept end of data).

Also if key or value cant be empty change * to + .

Try this regex "([^=;]+=[^=;]+(;(?!$)|$))+"


String[] tests = { 
        "MAC Address=",
        "MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ",
        "MAC Address=; ",
        "MAC =Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ",

for (String s : tests)
    System.out.println(s + " -> " + s.matches("([^=;]+=[^=;]+(;|$))+"));


MAC Address= -> true
MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ -> true
MAC Address=;  -> false
MAC =Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ -> false

Although a regex provides the most concise answer, it might be more straightforward to validate by looping over substrings:

final List<String> inputList = Arrays.asList(
    "MAC Address=",
    "MAC Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ",
    "MAC Address=;",
    "MAC =Address=; zproduct_id=XYZ"

for (String str : inputList) {
    final String[] keyVals = str.split(";", -1);
    boolean valid = keyVals.length > 0;
    for (String keyVal : keyVals) valid &= keyVal.split("=", -1).length == 2;

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