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Asm Console Input/Output

I am trying to make a basic 'game' (input/output) in the console with assembly. As I am new to assembly, I am not too sure of how things work in lower level languages: I am used to the C++ / C# environment.

What I am trying to achieve is that the user types in their name, and the console outputs whether it is the same as the variable myName or not. If I have made mistakes in my code I would be very grateful if you could correct them

.global main

myName db "Name"
call readline 
cmp myName, ebx
je same
jne notsame

mov eax, "We have the same name"
jmp print

mov eax, "We have different names"
jmp print

; read console line
mov ebx, line ; line is whatever the input is

; do something with eax

EDIT: Would this be any better?

.global main

myName db "Name"
call readline 
pop ebx
cmp myName, ebx
je same
jne notsame

push "We have the same name"
jmp print

push "We have different names"
jmp print

; read console line
push line ; line is whatever the input is

pop eax
; do something with eax

Is this homework?

The code is all kinds of off. First, console input is not a scalar - it's a text string. That is, an arbitrary set of characters. You can't expect it to fit into a single register. You need to declare a buffer and pass it to the console reading routine so that the characters are placed there. Second, to compare strings, you need to do that character by character - strings are not integers. So, a loop would be necessary. Read up on those.

Third, you really need to tell everyone what's your operating system. The specifics of console I/O would depend on that. On Linux, it's syscalls. On Windows, it's Win32 API.

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