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c++ string validation for user input

All I want to do, is prompt a user for a yes or no answer, and validate this to ensure they haven't typed something stupid.

I thought this would be a relatively straight forward task, however after many failed attempts at it myself, and looking around online, it seems everyone has a different opinion on the best way to do it.


  1. Ask question

  2. prompt user

  3. check if input = yes or input = no

  4. if yes, do scenario a

  5. in no, do scenario b

  6. if invalid, return to point 2



std::cout << "Do you have a user name? ("yes", "no"): ";
std::cin >> choice;

if (choice == "yes")
// some code

if (choice == "no")
// some code


void User::validation(std::string choice)
    while (choice != "yes" && choice != "no")
        std::cout << "Error: Please enter 'yes' or 'no': ";
        std::cin >> choice;
        if (choice == "yes" && choice == "no")


This works, up until they eventually type yes or no, when it jumps past if yes, and if no, straight onto the next part of the program

And I want to be able to call user.validation multiple times throughout the program to validate other yes/no questions

Try changing this

if (choice == "yes" && choice == "no")

For this

if (choice == "yes" || choice == "no")

Choice cannot be "yes" and "no" at the same time.


void User::validation(std::string &choice) // <-- insert a & here

C/C++ doesn't work like this for strings as the == operator isn't doing what you think it's doing for std::string objects and char* arrays. Use the std::string compare() method instead. Reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/compare/

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