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use c++ unsigned int *array in c#

I have a c++ .dll exporting a function with the following signature:

extern int __stdcall foobar(long ptr, unsigned int *array, unsigned int arraySize);

From c++ Code, I can use it like so:

std::vector<unsigned int> FooBar(6);
int res = foobar(ptr, &FooBar[0], (unsigned int)FooBar.size());

I'd like to use the dll from C# and I've tried this:

public static extern int foobar(long ptr, uint[] arr, uint arrSize);


uint[] arr = new uint[6];
int count = Obj.foobar(ptr, arr, (uint)arr.GetLength(0)*32)

This throws an "PInvokeStackImbalance" error. What would the correct PInvoke signature look like?

You're going to need to make use of the MarshalAs attribute, for your array parameter. This essentially describes to the marshalling system how to convert between the C# managed type and your raw C++ function parameter.

public static extern int foobar(
    IntPtr ptr, //Need more details on this parameter
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=2)] uint[] arr,
    uint arrSize);

Your "ptr" parameter is a bit confusing, since it's not mentioned in your question, but it's most likely just something you can treat as a regular old C++ pointer, in which case IntPtr is the appropriate type.

In the MarshalAs attribute, we are telling the marshalling system to convert your "uint array" into a raw, long-pointer-compatible C++ array. The SizeParamIndex tells it to use the "arrSize" parameter, when allocating the array's size during conversion.

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