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Microsoft SQL find rows where column contains all items in an array

I am trying to find the most efficient way to get the items of an Array that were split and matching it to a column.

for example Array [mouse, cat, dog]

i need to find a row where column animal has all 3 items (mouse, cat, dog) i found ways to get if any of those items where found but not all. i can do it using recursive but its not ideal because i am also going to have to search other columns as well for the same field.

declare @Search varchar(100)
set  @Search = 'mouse dog cat'; 

DECLARE @tblWords TABLE( ID int,ArrayValue VARCHAR(500))
INSERT INTO @tblWords (ID, ArrayValue) SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Splitstring] (@Search, ' ')

SELECT   ID, animal ,COUNT(*) as [Result] 
FROM @tblWords
    JOIN zoo 
    on animal like '%' + ArrayValue + '%' 
       GROUP BY  ID, animal

this result will find if any of those 3 items found but not all of them. what am i doing wrong.

You need a having clause to count the number of matches:

SELECT z.ID, z.animal, COUNT(*) as [Result] 
FROM @tblWords w JOIN
    zoo z
    on z.animal like '%' + w.ArrayValue + '%' 
GROUP BY z.ID, z.animal
HAVING count(*) = (select count(*) from @tblWords);

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