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select difference between two rows

I have select the return to me:

NAME                            REBUILD
------------------------------  ---------
IDXD_INVOICE_LINE               25-01-14 17:00:58
IDXD_INST                       25-01-14 17:08:08
IDXD_IMPORT                     25-01-14 17:08:39
IDXD_IMPORT_FILE                25-01-14 18:08:02
IDXD_HP                         25-01-14 18:08:37
IDXD_TASK                       25-01-14 18:09:08
IDXD_RULE                       25-01-14 18:09:46
IDXD_USER                       26-01-14 03:48:57

I now want to get the difference between a row and the row above it, the first row will difference with 25-01-14 03:00:00 . Result will be:

NAME                            REBUILD
------------------------------  ---------
IDXD_INVOICE_LINE               02:00:58
IDXD_INST                       00:08:08
IDXD_IMPORT                     00:00:31
IDXD_IMPORT_FILE                00:59:23
IDXD_HP                         00:00:35
IDXD_TASK                       00:00:31
IDXD_RULE                       00:00:38
IDXD_USER                       09:40:11

I assume the "row above" is based on the timestamp.

select name,
       to_char(trunc(sysdate) + (rebuild - prev_rebuild) / (24*60*60)), 'HH24:MI:SS')
from (select t.*, 
             lag(rebuild) over (order by rebuild) as prev_rebuild
      from t
     ) t;

This uses a trick to get the time output in the format you want it. It works when the difference is less than 24 hours.


If it can be longer than 24 hours, then you need to put the expression together yourself:

select name,
       (to_char(trunc((rebuild - prev_rebuild) * 24), '00') || ':' ||
        to_char(mod(trunc((rebuild - prev_rebuild)*24*60), 60), '00') || ':' ||
        to_char(mod(trunc((rebuild - prev_rebuild)*24*60*60), 60), '00')
       ) as timestamp
from (select t.*, 
             lag(rebuild) over (order by rebuild) as prev_rebuild
      from t
     ) t;

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