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Repository test doesn't return expected number of entities

Note > The number of records in the Country Table: 36 records.

My code :

    public class CountriesControllerTest
        Mock<IJN_CountryRepository> countryRepository;
        Mock<IUnitOfWork> unitOfWork;

        IJN_CountryService countryService;

        public void SetUp()
            countryRepository = new Mock<IJN_CountryRepository>();
            unitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
            countryService = new JN_CountryService(countryRepository.Object, unitOfWork.Object);
        public void ManyDelete()
            var count = countryService.GetCount();
            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(36, count);

NUnit Test Message :


Why? Why not read the number of records?

With these two lines

countryRepository = new Mock<IJN_CountryRepository>();
unitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

you created a fake objects, objects that have no logic nor any knowledge about any databases. These are mocks . You need to instruct them what to do in order to make them work, like:

var sampleCountries = Create36SampleCountries();
countryRepository = new Mock<IJN_CountryRepository>();
countryRepository.Setup(m => m.Countries).Returns(sampleCountries);

In order for your test to work with real database you should not be using mocks but your actual repositories (note that this would then be an integration test).

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