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Conversion of null terminated string to Int in Python

I am making a simple python client for a server client architecture. The problem arises when i convert an integer into a string in C and send it over UDP to python client and try to convert it into integer, exception is raised. I thought it might be because of null terminated string in C, so i even tried eliminating the null terminator but no joy. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Python (client) code snippet where i am receiving the information from server.

while True:
        p_ort = client_socket.recvfrom(1024)
        portnumber =  p_ort[0]

        #portnumber = portnumber[:-1]

        #this is where i try to convert the string into integer but the exception is thrown
            port_number = int(portnumber)
                print "Exception"

        print "timeout!"

This is my code snippet from server where i am sending the values to client.

    void sendDataToClient( int sfd , int index  )

            char portNum[9] = {0};
            sprintf( portNum , "%d" , videos[index].port ); //videos[index].port  is an integer

            if( sendto( sfd , &( portNum ) , 9 , 0 , (struct sockaddr *)&client , len ) == -1 )
                perror( "sendto()" );

        printf("\nClient Stuff sent!\n");

You probably just need to strip off the null first.

For example:

portnumber = int(portnumber.strip('\x00'))

Is how I usually strip off null terminators. It would be hard to know if this is the correct approach though without seeing a print of portnumber.

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