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MongoDB C# Driver QueryDocument greater than or less than

I am using C# driver for MongoDB and I have the QueryDocument working to query a string using Query.Add but I am trying to dynamically build this out (which works if I am doing Add for = a value. I want to do greater than or less than for a date check (dynamically). See my code below.

I want to do a query.Add event (or some other event) to add to a query for the datetime check for greater than or less than.

NOTE: I may be adding more values to search on other then the below so I know if I just search on LoanNumber I can ignore the date/time but I want to build out multiple search criteria.

For now I just need greater/less than using the C# driver, but pointers/help to where I can do other operations like regex or others would be helpful but not required (I can find these for generic MongoDB searches and other environments just not C# driver).

        var query = new QueryDocument();

        // check if there is anything in the loan number field and if so query that
        string LoanNumber = txtLoanNumber.Text.ToString();
        string StartDate = txtStatusChangeStartDate.Text.ToString();
        string EndDate = txtStatusChangeEndDate.Text.ToString();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoanNumber))
            query.Add("LoanStatusAddedEvent.LoanNumber", LoanNumber);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartDate))
            query.Add("LoanStatusAddedEvent.StatusChangeDate", StartDate);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndDate))
                    -- saw this online to do it but it was a direct query and not adding to the Query.add
                    Query.LT("LoanStatusAddedEvent.StatusChangeDate", EndDate)

If you want to query multiple lines try to do like this:

  1. Collect your Query data:

    var queryList = new List();

    queryList.Add(Query.EQ("Attributes.AttributeName", attribute.AttributeName)); queryList.Add(Query.EQ("Attributes2.AttributeName2", attribute2.AttributeName2));

  2. Build your query:

    var query = new QueryBuilder(); query.And(queryList);

After that you can use your query :)

I hope i can help with your problem.

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